Warstone Lane Cemetery, Birmingham
Surnames H to L

Warstone Lane Cemetery is in the middle of the Jewellery Quarter, and next to the older Key Hill Cemetery, It was built upon a disused Quarry and opened in 1847
The Catacombs which are in the centre of the cemetery are built in sandstone and took 22 years after the Cemetery opened to complete
These pictures are from a day around Warstone Cemetery looking for my Ancestors.
I hope they help you in your research.
I do have SOME better images of the gravestone pictures if you would like them, just contact me
If you would like a better image please note which Cemetery when contacting me
Click on a name to take you to the Gravestone Image

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William Haines - 1896
Charles Hales - 1898
Charles Hales - 1901
William Hales - 1928
Elizabeth Hall - ??
Joseph Hall - 1894
Joseph Hall - ??
Ada Harbutt - 1940
Emma Harrington - 1898
Reginald Mee Harrington - 1879
Eliza Harris - 1883
Florence Vanston Harris - 1905
Sarah Harris - 1929
Thomas Harris - ????
Thomas Harris - 1914
? Harrison - 1924
Albert Harrison - ??
Harriet Harrison - ??
Martha Harrison - ??
Mary Harrison - 1915
Thomas Harrison - 186?
Thomas William Harrison - ??
Tom Harrison - 1965
William Harrison - 1874
William Henry Harrison - 1909
Edith Hart - 1909
Gladys Mary Harwood - 1916
John Alfred Hatherill - ??
Mary Ann Hatherill - ??
Elizabeth Hawkes - 1951
Jesse Hawkes - 1932
Leonard Twyford Hawkes - 1889
Mary Ann Hawkes - 1878
Elizabeth Haywood - 1889
Henry Haywood - 1898
Mary Jane Heath - 1933
Alice Ann Henderson - 1899
Michael Henderson - 1905
Abigail Herbert - 1899
William Herbert - 1913
Elizabeth Hickman - 1883
Joseph Page Hickman - 1903
Millicent Mary Hickman - 1934
Walter Hickman - 1894
Alice E Hill - 1943
Alice Mary Hill - 1897
John Thomas Hill - 1920
John William Hill - 1915
Samuel William Hill - 1926
Sarah Hill - 1895
Alfred B Hinley - 1881
James Hinley - 1898
Marguerite Hinley - 1913
Ann Hinton - 1919
Arthur Herbert Hinton - 1876
George Hinton - 1930
George Frederick Hipkins - 1863
Charles Arthur Hirons - 1880
Ellen Jane Hirons - 1917
Emma Hobson - 1915
James Hobson - 1893
William James Gardener Hobson - 1880
Charles Hodges - 1892
Charles Hodges - 1913
Louisa Hodgetts - 1885
Arthur Thomas Walker Hodson - 1898
Edward Richard Hodson - 1898
Edward Richard Hodson - 1904
Samuel Henry Hodson - 1871
Sarah Hodson - 1896
Frederick Holbrook - 1900
Frederick Holbrook - 1916
George Hollis - 1881
Rosa Jane/Ada Hollis - 1947
Thomas Dewson Hollis - 1881
Ruth Holt - 1939
Henry Molton Homer - 1909
George Frederick Homer - 1870
James Homer - 1902
Mary Ann Homer - 1894
Mary Louisa Homer - ??
Christopher Hooper - 1903
Eleanor Jane Hooper - 1912
Sarah Hooper - 1891
William Hooper - 1893
Elizabeth Horton - 1862
Elizabeth Horton - 1895
Phoebe Horton - 1865
Thomas Horton - 1859
Sarah Ann Houghton - 1896
Florence Annie Hudson - 1932
Percy Thomas Humphreys - 1915
Alfred E Hunt - 1900
Benjamin Hunt - 1883
David Robertson Hunt - 1890
Jasper Benjamin Hunt - 1922
James Hunting - 1893
Ellen Hunting - 1930
Mary Ann Hurst - 1887
William Hurst - 1908
William John Hutchings - 1912
Elizabeth Huthinson - 1927
William Hutchinson - 1908
Ann Inshaw - 1878
John Inshaw - 1893
Lucy Ann Inshaw - 1879
Lydia Inshaw - 1885
Marianne Insleay - 1930
Joseph James - 1861
Mary James - 1852
Emma Jeffries - ??
Samuel Jeffries - 1891
Charles Ambrose Johnson - 1905
Charlotte Johnson - 1892
Margaret Jane Johnson - 1915
William Johnson - 1907
Charles Jones - 1920
Cornelius Jones - 1893
Elizabeth Jones - 1857
Elizabeth Jones - 1914
Fanny Jones - 1914
Joseph Jones - 1871
Martha Jones - ??
May Jones - 1893
Thomas Jones - ??
Thomas Jones - ??
Thomas Francis Jones - 1875
Ida Joynes - 1900
Florence Joynes - 1931
Walter Frederick Joynes - 1905
Joseph Kendall - 1883
Sarah Ann Kendall - 1873
Charles Kent - 1909
Eliza Kent - 1885
Eliza Kent - 1947
John Kent - 1874
Louisa Kent - 1920
Luther Griffin Kent - 1885
Emma Kenwrick - 1876
Lucius Holden Kenwrick - 1892
Matilda Kenwrick - 1900
Amelia Key - 1909
Eliza Key - 1885
Joseph Key - 1890
Marion Key - 1916
Elizabeth Kiddle - 1888
John Nelson Kiddle - 1871
Elizabeth King - 1889
George King - 1915
John King - 1901
Brian Knight - 1922
Elizabeth Knight - ??
Jane Knight - 1905
Mary Knight - 1863
Mary Knight - 1868
Rebecca Knight - 18??
Sarah Knight - 1851
Thomas Knight - 1864
Willie Knight - 1895
Matilda Isabella Knowles - 1877
Austin Lacey - 1967
Edna Lilian Lacey - 1927
Rhoda Lacey - 1964
Arthur John Lander - 1935
Eleanor Lander - 1884
George Lander - 1885
George Frederick Lander - 1897
Harriet Lander - 1934
Joseph W Latham - 1891
Lily Latham - 1891
Alfred Lawson - 1914
Esther Lawson - 1899
Elizabeth Lawton - 1923
William John Lawton - 1923
Annie Eleanor Lee - 1919
Charles Lee - 1914
Ellen Gertrude Lee - 1945
Emmie Lucy Lee - 1940
Fanny Lee - 1875
Mary Fanny Lee - 1907
Charles James Lewis - 1936
Susan Lewis - 1939
Vera Ellen Lewis - 1949
Mary Maria Lilley - 1887
Sophia L?? Linay - 1921
Charles William Lister - 1913
Harriet Lister - 1892
Emma Litchfield - 1911
Joseph Litchfield - 1895
Elizabeth Lloyd - 1891
John Lloyd - 1902
Minnie Maria Lloyd - 1859
Alfred William Loach - 1906
Amelia Ann Loach - 1874
Matilda Ann Loach - 1897
William Loach - 1882
Charles John Long - 1914
Hannah Long - 1885
Louisa Long - 1882
William F C Long - 1900
Elizabeth Sarah Lovell - 1856
Harriet Caroline Lovell - 1856
John James Lovell - ??
Alice Lowbridge - 1898
Emma Lowbridge - 1911
Emma Lowbridge - 1915
George Lowbridge - 1897
Jabez Lowbridge - 1911
Willard Lowbridge - 1935
Amelia Lucas - 1855
Amelia Lucas - 1858
Mary Anne Lucas - 1872
Samuel Wilfred Lucas - 1883
Harriet Hollins Luckett - 1890
Harriet Nellie Luckett - 1892
Priscilla Luckett - 1896
William Luckett - 1908