St Peter, Dale End, Birmingham, Marriages 1847 to 1850

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
17th August 1847
Alfred Griffiths

Selina Ivens ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - ? Ironmomger; Abode - Birmingham

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Corn Market, Warwick
Edward Griffiths; Occupation - Managing Clerk

William Phillips; Occupation - Hotel Keeper
Joseph Best

Eliza Matthison
30th August 1847
William Floyd

Emma Stokes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Birmingham

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
Thomas Floyd; Occupation - Blacksmith

William Stokes; Occupation - Blacksmith
William Stokes

Sarah Stokes
5th September 1847
Samuel Purce

Anne Brumbell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Livery Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Livery Street
Richard Purce; Occupation - Car Keeper

Richard Brumbell; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Wm Morris

Mary Ann Marrs ?
13th September 1847
Benjamin Nuttall

Mary Ann Anslow
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Miner; Abode - New Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Street
Samuel Nuttall; Occupation - Miner

John Anslow; Occupation - Farmer
James Wolfsbery

Louisa ?
27th September 1847
John Powell

Mary Ann Houghton
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Manufacturer; Abode - St George Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Mount Street
Samuel Powell; Occupation - Gun Maker

Robert Houghton; Occupation - Cornwainer
John Phillips

Maria Houghton
17th October 1847
James Taylor

Ann Collins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Union Passage

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bristol Road
Richard Taylor; Occupation - Hatter

Thomas Collins; Occupation - Labourer
Edward Toon

Sophia Taylor
19th October 1847
Alfred Knowles

Martha Studham
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wheelwright; Abode - Summer Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Loveday Street
Farrall ? Knowles; Occupation - Jeweller

John Studham; Occupation - Boot Maker
James Wolfsbery

Ann Boulston
25th October 1847
George Minall

Mary Ann Harrison
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Post Boy; Abode - Weaman Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Weaman Street
Joseph Minall; Occupation - Post Boy

Edward Harrison; Occupation - Carpenter
John Wheeley

Mary Ann Clarke
7th November 1847
Samuel Smith

Elizabeth Hipkiss
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Whitesmith; Abode - Bath Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bath Street
James Smith; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Hipkiss; Occupation - Hinge Maker
David Hipkiss

Catherine Phillips
8th November 1847
Thomas Yeomans

Sarah Ann Eccleston
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Mechanic; Abode - Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Staniford Street
Isaac Yeomans; Occupation - Cabinet Maker

William Eccleston; Occupation - ?
Joseph Rolui?

Emma Rolui?
14th November 1847
Henry Hollins Powell

Maria Bartlam
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Five Ways
Richard Hollins Powell; Occupation - Millwright

William Bartlam; Occupation - Tailor
Henry Brown

Caroline Knowles
15th November 1847
Timothy Scrivens

Jane Holtom
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Sparkbrook

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sparkbrook
John Scrivens; Occupation - Gardener

Thomas Holtom; Occupation - Labourer
James Scrivens

Lucy Scrivens
21st November 1847
William Blower

Elizabeth Ray
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Dale End
George Blower; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Jones; Occupation - Beadle
Benjamin Lavender

Mary Hollins
21st November 1847
Benjamin Lavender

Elizabeth Hollins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Dale End
James Lavender; Occupation - Nail Maker

George Hollins; Occupation - Labourer
William Blower

Mary Hollins
6th December 1847
Joseph Horton

Sarah Devey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Plate Polisher; Abode - Legge Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Legge Street
William Horton; Occupation - Labourer

William Devey; Occupation - Brass Founder
William ?

James Wolfsbery
24th December 1847
Ebenezer Thomas Piper

Eliza Hart
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Barford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edmund Street
William Piper; Occupation - Tailor

John Hart; Occupation - Cabinet Maker
James Wolfsbery

Anne Hicksley
25th December 1847
James Devitt

Mary Wood
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Wire Drawer; Abode - Chapel Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Chapel Street
James Devitt; Occupation - Clerk

Robert Strong; Occupation - Iron Moulder
Frederick Frisby

Susanna Bayliss
25th December 1847
Henry Statham

Mary Ann Reading
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Smith; Abode - Pershore Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Islington
Thomas Statham; Occupation - Gardener

William Reading; Occupation - Smith
William Hill

Mary Hill
27th December 1847
George Wood

Eliza Pritchard
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Tool Maker; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Joseph Wood; Occupation - Cornwainer

William Pritchard; Occupation - Miner
Samuel John Tongue

? Tongue
27th December 1847
Benjamin Williams

Lucy Purkes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Boot Maker; Abode - Vino Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Vino Street
Thomas Williams; Occupation - Painter

John Purkes; Occupation - Sawyer
Samuel John Tongue

Emma Tongue
3rd January 1848
William Hobson

Amy Wilson
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Bit Maker; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Moor Street
William Hobson; Occupation - Stamper

Richard Meadows; Occupation - Clerk
Edward Preston

Catherine Barton
16th January 1848
Isaac Yeomans

Frances James Hallinton
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Cabinet Maker; Abode - New Town Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Town Row
Isaac Yeomans; Occupation - Tailor

Thomas Hallington; Occupation - Jeweller
Thos Yeomans

Rebecca Yeomans
31st January 1848
Joseph Grant

Martha Heath
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engineer; Abode - Suffolk Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stafford Street
James Grant; Occupation - Engineer

Thomas Heath; Occupation - Butcher
Edwin Crauch ?

James Wolfsbery
9th February 1848
James Smart

Elizabeth Rogers
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Charlotte Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lawley Street
James Smart; Occupation - Farmer

Edward Lowe; Occupation - Gardener
James Wolfsbery

Elizabeth Harper
21st February 1848
Henry Ellis

Hannah Jones
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Cutter; Abode - Stafford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - John Street
John Ellis; Occupation - Glass Cutter

Francis Jones; Occupation - Gun Finisher
John Jones

Charles King
27th February 1848
Henry Brown

Emma burdett
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lower Priory
Henry Brown; Occupation - Brewer

James Burdett; Occupation - Jeweller
Thomas Hawkesford

Maria Powell
29th February 1848
John Shakeshaf

Elizabeth Ann Newey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Pritchett Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pritchett Street
William Shakeshaf; Occupation - Founder

Thomas Newey; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker
John Waite

Ann Upton
7th March 1848
Major Planepin

Emma Birch
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - ? Builder; Abode - Powell Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Street
Thomas Planepin; Occupation - Grocer

William Birch; Occupation - Baker
Henry Edward Price

James Wolfsbery
10th April 1848
William Mills

Mary Harrison
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Cardigan Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cardigan Street
William Mills; Occupation - Farmer

Isaac Harrison; Occupation - Miller
George Massey

Mary Ann Naylor
10th April 1848
Richard Booth

Mary Ann Naylor
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Nelson Street West

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cardigan Street
George Booth; Occupation - Bricklayer

John Naylor; Occupation - Cheese Monger
George Massey

Mary Harrison
16th February 1848
Samuel Smith

Sarah Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Iron Monger; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ludgate Hill
Samuel Smith; Occupation - Labourer

Jogn Smith; Occupation - Lock Keeper
Pelin ? Sommers

Caroline Smith
1st May 1848
Charles Dyde

Harriet Martin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Charlotte Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Charlotte Street
Edward Dyde; Occupation - Labourer

William Williamson; Occupation - Labourer
William Pinson

Mary Ann Williamson
1st May 1848
William Pinson

Mary Ann Williamson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Stocktaker; Abode - Charlotte Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Charlotte Street
Nathaniel Pinson; Occupation - Brass founder

William Williamson; Occupation - Labourer
Charles Dyde

Harriet Martin
7th May 1848
George Wilson

Ellen Shaw
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cooper; Abode - New Meeting Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Meeting Street
Charles Wilson; Occupation - Labourer

Richard Shaw; Occupation - Miner
Charles Wilson

Susannah Wilson
9th May 1848
John Draper

Susan Ody
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Skinner; Abode - Cheapside

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cheapside
John Draper; Occupation - Skinner

Stephen Ody; Occupation - Labourer
George Draper

Caroline Whitworth
14th May 1848
Charles Henry Ward

Mary Ann Salisbury
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Hill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Wheelers Lane
William Ward; Occupation - Gardner

Edward Salisbury; Occupation - Shepherd
Benjamin Daffoon ?

Ann Bashford
14th May 1848
Benjamin Daffoon ?

Ann Bashford
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Hospital Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Hospital Street
William Daffoon ?; Occupation - Farmer

John Ward; Occupation - Porter
Charles Henry Ward

Mary Ann Salisbury
29th May 1848
William Ross

Sarah Murphy
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Spectacle Maker; Abode - Stafford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ann Street
John Ross; Occupation - Japanner

Francis Murphy; Occupation - Bricklayer
Wm King

Catherine King
29th May 1848
James Brookes

Elizabeth Shore
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Chapel ? Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coventry Street
William Brookes; Occupation - Bricklayer

John Shore; Occupation - Brass Founder
Edward ?

Jane Collins
30th May 1848
Frederick Neal

Elizabeth Hill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Turner; Abode - St James Palce

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Garrison Lane
Joseph Neal; Occupation - Shipper

James Hill; Occupation - Turner
Joseph Cooper ?

Hannah Holland
4th June 1848
Samuel Bate

Susannah Bailey
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - John Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stafford Street
Samuel Bate; Occupation - Bricklayer

Richard Bailey; Occupation - Bricklayer
William Bate

Martha Hawkins
5th June 1848
Isaac Rowley

Mary Thompson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Holloway Head

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holloway Head
Levi Rowley; Occupation - Labourer

James Thompson; Occupation - Labourer
James Wolfsbery

Sarah Ann Thomas
19th June 1848
George Keen

Mary Jenkins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Edgbaston Street

Age Full; Spinster; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Crescent
John Keen; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Benjamin Jenkins; Occupation - Labourer
Henry Whittall

Eliza Whittall
26th June 1848
Joseph Cook

Emma Horton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Tower Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bow Street
William Cook; Occupation - Goldsmith

John Horton; Occupation - Lamp Maker
? Barnett

Matilda Barnett
3rd July 1848
George Fisher

Sarah Harrison
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coal Dealer; Abode - Vale Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Vale Street
Robert Fisher; Occupation - Caster

Edward Harrison; Occupation - Brass Founder
? ?

Mary Peters
4th July 1848
Edward Taylor

Ann Davis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Mechanic; Abode - Lichfield Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lichfield Street
Joseph Taylor; Occupation - Mechanic

William Davis; Occupation - Hair Dresser
William Davis

Sarah Arnold
12th July 1848
Thomas Pemberton Stubbs

Elizabeth Ferrer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Hatter ?; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Joseph Pemberton; Occupation - Wool Tanner

Eli Ferrer; Occupation - Skinner
John Stubbs

Sarah Pratton

Eliza Wilson
13th August 1848
George Hawkes

Mary Ann Griffin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Maker; Abode - Price Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Price Street
John Hawkes; Occupation - Labourer

John Tunstall; Occupation - Carpet Weaver
Henry Jones

Elizabeth Jones
14th August 1848
William Whateley

Ann Mills
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Canal Street
Joseph Whateley; Occupation - Labourer

William Mills; Occupation - Bricklayer
William Yeomans

Mary Yeomans
15th August 1848
Edward McGaskin

Elizabeth Bridge
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Policeman; Abode - Stamford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moland Street
Michael McGaskin; Occupation - Farmer

George Bridge; Occupation - Shoe Maker
James Bevan

Maria Dunn
28th August 1848
Thomas Reay

Eliza Hudson
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gun Barrell Maker; Abode - Brickiln Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Brickiln Street
Samuel Reay; Occupation - Gardener

Samuel Carter; Occupation - Gardener
Joseph Barnett

Mary Barnett
3rd September 1848
Edward Thompson

Lavinia Dyer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Holloway Head

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holloway Head
James Thompson; Occupation - Labourer

William Dyer; Occupation - Coachman
Thomas Smith

Sarah Smith
4th September 1848
John Boyle

Sarah Ann Allen Pagett
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coach Maker; Abode - Bartholomew Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
John Boyle; Occupation - Coach Maker

John Pagett; Occupation - ? Keeper
Colin McKinzer

Ellen McCann
10th September 1848
Thomas Bonner

Emma Elizabeth Warne
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Draper; Abode - High Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - High Street
Thomas Bonner; Occupation - Draper

Samuel Warne; Occupation - Corn Factor
James Wolfsbery

Maria Masters
16th September 1848
Frederick Jenkins

Eliza Chapman
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - School Master; Abode - Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Canal Street
Joseph Jenkins; Occupation - School Master

Henry Chapman; Occupation - Millwright
? Adams Bull

James Wolfsbery
23rd September 1848
William Badger

Eleanor Sanders
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brush Maker; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dartmouth Street
John Badger; Occupation - Painter

Richard Sanders; Occupation - Sailor
Richard Sanders

Elizabeth Hunt
26th September 1848
James Lane

Fanny Lewis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Steward Street

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Steward Street
John Lane; Occupation - Labourer

Charles Lewis; Occupation - Surgeon
George Lake

Rachel Meadows
26th September 1848
Alfred Olive

Eliza Gough
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coach Body Maker; Abode - Lorton ? Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lorton ? Street
John Olive; Occupation - Coach Maker

Edward Gough; Occupation - Farmer
John Bickerdike

Mary Harris
2nd October 1848
James Chambers

Ann Dunlop
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Bloomsbury Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bloomsbury Street
William Chambers; Occupation - Gardener

David White; Occupation - Grocer
Alexander ? White

Caroline White
15th October 1848
William Saunders

Clarissa Percy
Age 18; Bachelor; Occupation - Hawker; Abode - Cheapside

Age 17; Spinster; Abode - Cheapside
William Saunders; Occupation - Labourer

William Percy; Occupation - Labourer
Edward Gee

Julia Robinson
23rd October 1848
John Gee

Mary Ann Cotterill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Well Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Well Street
John Gee; Occupation - File Cutter

James Cotterill; Occupation - Brass Founder
James Wolfsbery

Ann Bellamy
23rd October 1848
John Fisher

Hannah Peacock
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Soldier; Abode - Castle Bromwich

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Castle Bromwich
Peter Fisher; Occupation - Cotton Spinner

James Peacock; Occupation - Labourer
Henry Davies

Sarah Davies
29th October 1848
Thomas Hall

Mary Ann Alder
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Rope Walk

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cottage Lane
William Hall; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Daniel Dark; Occupation - Publican
John Cartlidge

Mary Ann Pearce
6th November 1848
Edwin Thomas Salt

Mary Ann Hall
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Exciseman; Abode - Bull Ring

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bromsgrove Street
Samuel Salt; Occupation - Tailor

John Hall; Occupation - Gardener
James Wolfsbery

Eliza Salt
6th November 1848
Charles White Hands

Mary Lewis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - House Agent; Abode - Prospect Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Duddeston Hall
John Hands; Occupation - Brass Founder

John Lewis; Occupation - Manager
James Wolfsbery

Anne ?
12th November 1848
Joseph Deaville

Ann Allen
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Bartholomew Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
George Deaville; Occupation - Grocer

Marshall Allen; Occupation - Clerk
Charles Holloway

Barbara Holloway
16th November 1848
John Green

Martha Fowler
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Lock Filer; Abode - Lench Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Non Stated
John Green; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Thomas Fowler; Occupation - Butcher
William Adams

Mary Ann Adams
19th November 1848
John Coutts

Mercy Cane
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Lower Priory

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Non Stated
John Coutts; Occupation - Blacksmith

Edward Cane; Occupation - Farm Labourer
Jeremiah Caughlan

Ruth Caughlan
27th November 1848
James Chapman

Eliza Drinkwater
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Tower Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Livery Street
Richard Chapman; Occupation - Labourer

Edward Cox; Occupation - Gilt Toy Maker
James Wolfsbery

Diana Miller
3rd December 1848
George Masters

Harriet Paine
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - Lawley Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Upper Priory
Edward Masters; Occupation - Shop Keeper

William Burton; Occupation - Coachman
Isaac Broenberg ?

Eliza Underhill
4th December 1848
William Bull

Ann Tolley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Printer; Abode - Freeman Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Freeman Street
Thomas Bull; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker

William Tolley; Occupation - Blacksmith
Isaac Bullock

Caroline Bullock
4th December 1848
William Bramley

Elizabeth Glomarton ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Gt Barr Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gt Barr Street
John Bramley; Occupation - Labourer

George Orton; Occupation - Gardener
James Wolfsbery

Mary Orton
7th December 1848
Charles Richard Millner

Eleanor Sarah Wheeler
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Masshouse Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Masshouse Lane
Charles Millner; Occupation - Farmer

William Wheeler; Occupation - Farmer
Thomas Greaves

Penelope Mary Wheeler
11th December 1848
Charles Brookes

Caroline Barwell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Lionel Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lionel Street
Samuel Brookes; Occupation - Labourer

James Barwell; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Hancox

Elizabeth ?
11th December 1848
George Robert Slinn

Catherine Cathergin ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - John Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - John Street
John Slinn; Occupation - Printer

Peter Cathergin ?; Occupation - Farmer ?
Caleb Evans

Ann Winston
11th December 1848
John O'Hare

Ann Argyle
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Moseley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Temple Row
Henry O'Hare; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Argyle; Occupation - Gardener
Henry Devonshire

Harriet Chatwin
18th December 1848
John Monk

Amplias Green
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Barr Street West

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Well Street
Thomas Monk; Occupation - ? Maker

William Fellows; Occupation - ? Maker
Edward Garner

Mary Garner
24th December 1848
George Withers

Ann Waldron
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Lichfield Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lichfield Street
James Withers; Occupation - Nailer

James Waldron; Occupation - Labourer
James Whittaker

Mary Withers
24th December 1848
Patrick Hannan

Ellen Bagshaw
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Park Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Park Street
Michael Hannan; Occupation - Tailor

William Bagshaw; Occupation - Miner
James Wolfsbery

Maria Withers
25th December 1848
Isaac Hill

Catherine Clarke
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Cooper; Abode - Wells Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Hospital Street
George Hill; Occupation - Inn Keeper

Joseph Hubball; Occupation - Nail Maker
Benjamin Burdett

Mary Ann Burdett
25th December 1848
Joseph Thompson

Ann Thomspson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Duddeston Row

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Duddeston Row
John Thompson; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Green; Occupation - Miner
Enoch Thomspn

Ann Maria Henney ?
26th December 1848
James Cornill

Dinah Cornill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - Bridge Street West

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bridge Street West
William Cornill; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Cornill; Occupation - Brick Maker
James Wolfsbery

Elizabeth Heydon
11th January 1849
Charles Tandy

Maria Stokes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Dealer; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Charles Tandy; Occupation - Dealer

William Stokes; Occupation - Blacksmith
William Stokes

Ann Stokes
15th January 1849
Edwin Rollason Hands

Rebecca Popplewell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Price Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Water Street
George Knight Hands; Occupation - Commission ? Agent

John Hodgetts; Occupation - Burnisher
Thomas Ashford

Mary Fisher
15th January 1849
Charles Tanner

Mary Ann Doran
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Cabinet Maker; Abode - St George Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St George Street
Richard Tanner; Occupation - Auctioneer

George Dean; Occupation - Gardener
John West

Sarah Heeley
18th January 1849
Thomas Stokes

Ann Watts
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Surgeon; Abode - Gosta Green

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Leicester Street
Thomas Stokes; Occupation - Surgeon

John Watts; Occupation - Labourer
James Wolfsbery

Hannah Adams
28th January 1849
John Whitehead

Elizabeth Horniblow
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Broad Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Broad Street
William Whitehead; Occupation - Comb Maker

Thomas Horniblow; Occupation - Publican
John Thaston ?

Ann Horniblow
31st January 1849
Isaac Fisher

Ann Evans French
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Watch Maker; Abode - Exeter Row

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Dean Street
Isaac Fisher; Occupation - Gun Maker

William Evans; Occupation - Farmer
David Capell

Maria Capell
5th February 1849
William Timmins

Ann Maria Cooper
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Whitesmith; Abode - Moseley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Street
Thomas Timmins; Occupation - Whitesmith

Stephen Cooper; Occupation - Button Burnisher
James Wolfsbery

Fanny Fritheby ?
11th February 1849
John Findon

Ann Southall
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brush Maker; Abode - Pope Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Lichfield Street
John Findon; Occupation - Milkman

Richard Southall; Occupation - Sawyer
James Wolsbery

Isaac Bromberg
11th February 1849
Thomas Charles Smith

Elizabeth Hancox
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - 89 Digbeth

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Deritend
John Smith; Occupation - Sawyer

Dudley Hancox; Occupation - Edge Tool Maker
Thomas William Sidway

Mary Ann Sidway
19th February 1849
Joseph White

Mary Nicholls
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Summer Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Summer Lane
James White; Occupation - Gardener

David Nicholls; Occupation - Brick Maker
James Wolfsbery

Eliza Nicholls
20th February 1849
Stephen Crathorn

Emma Lucas
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Sheepcote Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spring Street
John Crathorn; Occupation - Farmer

William Lucas; Occupation - Brass Founder
George Shaw

Ann Parsons
26th February 1849
Thomas Lidzy

Elizabeth Fellows
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tallow Chandler; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
Joseph Lidzy; Occupation - Surveying Highways

William Fellows; Occupation - Spoon Manufacturor
Joseph Ellis

Elizabeth Smallshore ?
26th February 1849
William Chance

Julia Barris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brewer; Abode - Bromsgrove Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bromsgrove Street
Thomas Chance; Occupation - Labourer

John Barris; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Edwards

Rebecca Bissahen ?
26th February 1849
William Tonks

Sarah Ann George
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker; Abode - Masshouse Lane

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Inge Street
Samuel Tonks; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker

Cornelius George; Occupation - Labourer
William Harris

Mary Ann Harris
12th March 1849
Francis Harris

Ann Groves
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cleaner of Locomotive Engines; Abode - Lawley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lawley Street
William Harris; Occupation - Gardener

Charles Groves; Occupation - Gardener
Charles Harris

Catherine Harris
15th March 1849
Murray Simpson

Elizabeth Phoebe Barry
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Steward; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
Murray Simpson; Occupation - Butler ?

Henry Green Barry; Occupation - General Office
? Douglas Hill

Emma Hill
18th March 1849
William Ridler ? Herbert

Honour Stevens
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Edward Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edward Street
John Herbert; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Stevens; Occupation - Labourer
William Tilling

Mary Anne Pearse
18th March 1849
Thomas Daniel Hyde

Sarah Higgins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Canal Street
Thomas Hyde; Occupation - Labourer

George Higgins; Occupation - Labourer
Clement Rogers

Elizabeth Hyde
19th March 1849
John Harris

Ann Black
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Lawley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lawley Street
William Harris; Occupation - Gardener

John Black; Occupation - Labourer
William Marlow

Catherine Peary ?
25th March 1849
Samuel Porter

Elizabeth Meeke
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Moseley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Alcester Street
Richard Porter; Occupation - Labourer

William Meeke; Occupation - Labourer
William Birs

Isaac Bromberg
26th March 1849
Thomas Ellis

Sarah Johnson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - .; Abode - New John Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Heneage Street
James Ellis; Occupation - Tool Maker

Thomas Johnson; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker
Richard Guest

Caroline Dangerfield
26th March 1849
Robert Dalglish

Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Lithographer; Abode - Cherry Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Cherry Street
David Dalglish; Occupation - Clerk

William Styles; Occupation - Publican
Mary Robins

James Wolfsbery
2nd April 1849
Frederick Timmins

Elizabeth Price
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Grant Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Latimer Street South
James Timmins; Occupation - Brass Founder

John Price; Occupation - Sadler
Thomas Glaster ?

Sarah Spragg
9th April 1849
William Woodward

Mary Ann Campbell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Screw Manufacturor; Abode - Stafford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stafford Street
William Woodward; Occupation - Tool Maker

John Campbell; Occupation - Birch ? Layer ?
? Hermony ?

Maria Leadbeater
15th April 1849
Thomas Manning

Elizabeth Leeds
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Car Man; Abode - Simons Court

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Simons Court
Thomas Manning; Occupation - Sawyer

William Wilkins; Occupation - Miller
William Ellins ?

Mary Bassett
23rd April 1849
John Lane

Eliza Cope
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Layer; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Thomas Lane; Occupation - Brick Layer

William Cope; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker
John ? Parkes ?

Elizabeth Cope
30th April 1849
Joseph Jarvis

Eliza Morgan
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Holly Head

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holly Head
Joseph Jarvis; Occupation - Gardener

Walter Morgan; Occupation - Carpenter
James Wolfsbery

Ann Jarvis
6th May 1849
William Feraday

Mary Alldridge
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
Michael Feraday; Occupation - Labourer

John Alldridge; Occupation - Printer
John Fletcher

Charlotte Spencer
6th May 1849
Samuel Morgan

Mary Benson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker; Abode - Dudley Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Dudley Street
Robert Morgan; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker

Martin Benson; Occupation - Watch Maker
James Holloway

Eliza Holloway
13th May 1849
Francis Johnson

Ann Dunn
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Anderton Place

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Anderton Place
Francis Johnson; Occupation - Farmer

Richard Hewitt; Occupation - Labourer
James Wolfsbery

? ?
23rd May 1849
Thomas Smith

Mary Campbell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Layer; Abode - Rea Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Rea Street
Thomas Smith; Occupation - Brick Layer

James Campbell; Occupation - ?
? Thomas

Clara Smith
28th May 1849
William Smith

Charlotte Price
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Vauxhall Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Windsor Street
George Smith; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Price; Occupation - Labourer
John Williams

Hannah Hayes
28th May 1849
William John Price Willington

Elizabeth Reading
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Button Maker; Abode - Edmund Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edmund Street
Samuel Willington; Occupation - Plumber & Glazier

James Reading; Occupation - Labourer
John Bache

Sarah Bache
28th May 1849
George Smith

Ann Swan
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coleshill Street
John Smith; Occupation - Policeman

John Swan; Occupation - Malster
John Bevans

Alice ? Smith
1st June 1849
Edward Marshall

Mary Ann Evans
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Brush Maker; Abode - Staniford Street ?

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Staniford Street ?
Edward Marshall; Occupation - Brick Maker

Richard Balis; Occupation - Boatman
Thomas Walker

Mary Walker
8th June 1849
Joseph Keene

Jane Meers
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Printer; Abode - Charlotte Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gt Russell Street
Joseph Keene; Occupation - ?

John Meers; Occupation - Gun Maker
James Wolfsbery

Sarah Meers
10th June 1849
Edwin Hadley

Eliza Wearing
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gold & Silver Pencil Case Maker; Abode - Bread Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Regent Place
John Hadley; Occupation - Jeweller

Thomas Wearing; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Hall

Elizabeth Fisher
10th June 1849
Isaac Horn

Mary Ann Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carver; Abode - Lower Priory

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - John Street
Christopher Horn; Occupation - Clerk

Joseph Smith; Occupation - Green Grocer
Henry Jones

Elizabeth Jones
18th June 1849
Joshua Harrison

Matilda Churchman
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Freeman Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Freeman Street
James Harrison; Occupation - Moulder

James Churchman; Occupation - Glover
James Wolfsbery

Mary George
18th June 1849
Thomas Morgan

Caroline Halfpenny
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Japanner; Abode - Lower Tower Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Smallbrook Street
William Morgan; Occupation - ? Maker

Thomas Halfpenny; Occupation - Jeweller
William Hartland

Emma Wright
18th June 1849
Charles Daniels

Maria Blythe
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Saw Maker; Abode - Oxford Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Oxford Street
Henry Daniels; Occupation - Stirrup Maker

Joseph Bill; Occupation - Sawyer
James Wolfsbery

Mary Hartland
2nd July 1849
William Flanner

Mary Ann Burd
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Carrs Lane
William Flanner; Occupation - Shoe Maker

William Burd; Occupation - Publican
James Anderson

Elizabeth Lacy
7th July 1849
Andrew Swift

Ann James
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Milkman; Abode - Aston

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Rope Walk
Edward Swift; Occupation - Milkman

John Jones; Occupation - Labourer
Richard Hawkins

Ann Hawkins
8th July 1849
Alexander Kennedy Burke

Mary Ann Allcott
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Bordesley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Smithfield
William Henry Burke; Occupation - Tailor

William Allcott; Occupation - Farmer
Thomas Evans

Elizabeth Wiseman
8th July 1849
Edward Langley

Emma Bott
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Adelaide Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Adelaide Street
Thomas Langley; Occupation - Tailor

Thomas Bott; Occupation - Mason
Arthur Owen

Sarah Bailey
17th July 1849
Edwin Trueman

Eliza Roberts
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Philip Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Smallbrook Street
John Trueman; Occupation - Inn Keeper

James Roberts; Occupation - Currier ?
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
30th July 1849
James Hanson

Rhoda Chiswell
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Fleet Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Oxford Street
John Hanson; Occupation - Butcher

John Chiswell; Occupation - Stocking Weaver
Robert Hayes

Margaret Stevens
6th August 1849
Richard Danks

Elizabeth Heydon
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Farm Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Accomodation Street
John Danks; Occupation - Brick Maker

William Heydon; Occupation - Brick Maker
James Cornill

Dinah Cornill
13th August 1849
Edward Piper

Ann Oliver
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Ellis Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Latimer Street
Daniel Piper; Occupation - Bricklayer

George Oliver; Occupation - Labourer
William Piper

Elizabeth Russell
30th September 1849
Thomas Baker

Sarah Ann Flight
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pen ? Maker; Abode - Pope Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pope Street
James Baker; Occupation - Cloth Manufacturer

George Clutterinch ?; Occupation - Shoe Maker
James Wolfsbery

Phebee Greaves
14th October 1849
Henry Cheadle

Ann Aldridge
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Dale End

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Joseph Cheadle; Occupation - Shoe Maker

David Aldridge; Occupation - Frame Work ?
Richard Biddle

Rebecca Ann Biddle
15th October 1849
John Harris

Susanna Machin
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Hill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hill Street
William Harris; Occupation - Weaver

Thomas Machin; Occupation - Saddler
Joseph Bentley

Dinah ? Harris
17th October 1849
John Doran

Mary Jane Tanner
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Jeweller; Abode - Hampton Row

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Harford Street
John Doran; Occupation - Cabinet Maker

Charles Tanner; Occupation - Cabinet Maker
Charles Tanner

Esther Herbutt
22nd October 1849
Stephen Lawton

Eliza Brough
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Duddeston Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Duddeston Row
Isaac Lawton; Occupation - Presser

William Brough; Occupation - Blacksmith
James Wolfsbery

Elizabeth Vaughan
29th October 1849
Thomas John Wilkinson

Maria Barker
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation -Mariner ?; Abode - Sheep Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - High Street
Robert Wilkinson; Occupation - ? Officer

Edward Barker; Occupation - Labourer
Robert Williams

Caroline Barker
29th October 1849
Samuel Caldwell

Mary Ann Maria Rea
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Bartholomew Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bartholomew Street
Benjamin Caldwell; Occupation - Tailor

Philip Rea; Occupation - Glover
Thomas Evans

Mary Evans
31st October 1849
Thomas Hughes

Sarah Keen
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Edgbaston Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edgbaston Street
James Hughes; Occupation - Labourer

John Keen; Occupation - Farmer
Joseph Potten ?

Martha Potten ?
5th November 1849
William Piper

Elizabeth Russell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - ?; Abode - Bishopgate Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bishopgate Street
Daniel Piper; Occupation - ?

Thomas Russell; Occupation - Coach Spring Maker
John Baker

Ann Piper
6th November 1849
Frederick Wharton

Mary Ann Davis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Draughtsman; Abode - William Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - William Street
Emmanuel Wharton; Occupation - Engineer

John Davis; Occupation - Pawn Broker
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
10th November 1849
William Wellham

Elizabeth Herbert
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Masshouse Lane

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Moor Street
Samuel Wellham; Occupation - Labourer

William Chinry ?; Occupation - Labourer
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
11th November 1849
John Pulley

Ann Webb
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wheelwright; Abode - Holloway Head

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Holloway Head
John Pulley; Occupation - Blacksmith

William Hulston; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker
John Carter

Elizabeth Carter
18th November 1849
James Firth

Ann Melley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Steel Blade Maker; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
George Firth; Occupation - Snuffler ? Maker

William Melley; Occupation - Shoe Maker
William Melley

Elizabeth Melley
18th November 1849
John Pye

Jane Wigley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Old Meeting Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Old Meeting Street
James Pye; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Dennis Tay ?; Occupation - Carpenter
George Tay

Priscilla Tay
19th November 1849
Thomas Tovey

Mary Sophia Key
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coach Maker; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Dale End
William Tovey; Occupation - Carpenter

John Clement Docker; Occupation - Builder
William Tovey

Harriet ? Tovey
26th November 1849
John Matthew Ward

Ann Thomas
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Brewer; Abode - Leak Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Leak Street
James Ward; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Thomas Thomas; Occupation - Farrier
Richard Hamblin

Mary Hamblin
10th December 1849
George Hanson

Jane Barlow
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Navigation Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Suffolk Street
Samuel Hanson; Occupation - Glass Cutter

Thomas Barlow; Occupation - Upholsterer
George Barlow

Mary Jane Barlow
10th December 1849
Nephew Heap

Rebecca Spiers
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Confectioner; Abode - Coventry Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
Nephew Heap; Occupation - Cooper

James Spiers; Occupation - Farmer
George Jones

Helen Peacock
13th December 1849
James Keene

Matilda Bethell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clog Maker; Abode - Steelhouse Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Steelhouse Lane
Joseph Keene; Occupation - Watch Maker

John Bethell; Occupation - Plasterer
James Wolfsbery

Maria ?
16th December 1849
George Ingram

Elizabeth Chantrill
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Sheeter; Abode - Vauxhall

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Vauxhall
George Ingram; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas James; Occupation - Labourer
William Ingram

Harriet Ingram
22nd December 1849
Henry Brown

Susan Buszard
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Plumber; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lower Priory
Richard Brown; Occupation - Plumber

Richard Buszard; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Robert Williams

Margaret Lianse ?
23rd December 1849
John Allen Burford

Charlotte Lucas
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Compositor ?; Abode - Suffolk Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Suffolk Street
William Burford; Occupation - Smith

William Lucas; Occupation - Cashier ?
Charles William Lucas

William Brogdon
24th December 1849
Thomas Holland

Margaretta Boyd
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Lease Lane

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Temple Row
Henry Holland; Occupation - Smith

John Boyd; Occupation - Book Keeper
William Holland

Mary Ann Holland
25th December 1849
Thomas Ward

Jane Swinborn
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pearl Ornament Maker; Abode - Pritchett Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pritvhett Street
John Ward; Occupation - Porter

Samuel Swinborn; Occupation - Pearl Ornament Maker
Benjamin Dafforn ?

Ann Dafforn ?
25th December 1849
Joseph Messenger

Elizabeth James
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Oxford Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Oxford Street
John Messenger; Occupation - Labourer

William Crossley; Occupation - Carpenter
James Parker

Mary Parker
25th December 1849
William Elliott

Mary Mason
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker; Abode - Gt Barr Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Deritend
Thomas Elliott; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker

John Green; Occupation - Frame Work ?
James Prees

Eliza Barnett
31st December 1849
Thomas Worthington

Mary Hartwell Newey
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - House Painter; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Richard Worthington; Occupation - Cord Winder

Richard Newey; Occupation - Builder
James Wolfsbery

Mary Worthington
27th January 1850
James Parsons

Mary Ann Beard
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Maker; Abode - Cottage Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cottage Lane
William Parsons; Occupation - Labourer

Henry Beard; Occupation - Labourer
Hubert Mucklow

Rachel Greaves
28th January 1850
Peter Mayhew

Matilda Maria Reynolds
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Meriden Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Meriden Street
George Lionel Mayhew; Occupation - Sadle & Harness Maker

John Reynolds; Occupation - Shoe Maker
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
28th January 1850
Thomas Ambrose Crowley

Mary Ann Wright
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Weighing Machine Fitter; Abode - French Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - French Street
William Crowley; Occupation - Gun Lock Filer

James Foster; Occupation - Coal Merchant
Joseph Crowley

Ann Appleby
28th January 1850
Richard Round

Eliza Wilks
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Spoon Forger; Abode - Old John Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Old John Street
Joseph Round; Occupation - Spoon Forger

John Wilks; Occupation - Fire Iron Maker
Thomas Roberts

Mary Bayley
3rd February 1850
Charles Blakemore

Charlotte Betts
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Ludgate Hill

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Church Street
Edward Blakemore; Occupation - Stirrup Maker

Benjamin Betts; Occupation - Grocer & Provision Dealer
William Kirkman

Eleanor Young
18th February 1850
John Harrington

Julia Fitzpatrick
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Tanter Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Waterloo Street
Thomas Harrington; Occupation - Soldier

Henry Fitzpatrick; Occupation - Farmer
James Wolfsbery

Eliza Fitzpatrick
20th February 1850
Benjamin Coombes

Hannah Proctor
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Five Ways

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gt Charles Street
William Coombes; Occupation - Carpenter

Stephen Proctor; Occupation - Farrier
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
25th February 1850
John Langdell

Sarah Blundell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fitter; Abode - Bromsgrove Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bromsgrove Street
Jonathan Langdell; Occupation - Smith

Edward Blundell; Occupation - Paper Hanger
John Douglas

Elizabeth Pritchett
26th February 1850
Thomas Morley

Susannah Davis
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Lower Priory

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lower Priory
Samuel Morley; Occupation - Victualler

George Davis; Occupation - Grocer
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
27th February 1850
Henry Mason

Harriet Windle
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gimlet Maker; Abode - Coleshill Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
Charles Mason; Occupation - Gimlet Maker

Edward Windle; Occupation - Brass Founder
Edward Windle

Mary Ann Windle
3rd March 1850
Edgar Charles McKay

Charlotte Georgiana Mckay
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter & Joiner; Abode - Vaughton Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Vaughton Street
Thomas Turner; Occupation - Carpenter & Joiner

John Henry McKay; Occupation - Clerk
Edward Davies

Julia Emma ?
4th March 1850
James Payne

Ann Hill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Rib Forger; Abode - Whittall Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - John Street
Benjamin Payne; Occupation - ? ?

Thomas Hill; Occupation - Brass Founder
Henry Hill

Elizabeth Morton
4th March 1850
William Smith

Maria Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker; Abode - Suffolk Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gt Bow Street
William Smith; Occupation - Thread Maker ?

Thomas Smith; Occupation - Button Stamper
Edward Hill

Mary Linen ?
7th March 1850
Abraham Baxter

Charlotte Brown
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cattle Dealer; Abode - Gt Francis Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Gt Francis Street
Joseph Baxter; Occupation - Farmer

Charles Tysoe; Occupation - Labourer
William ?

Ann Nicholas
10th March 1850
Richard Wisdom

Catherine Griffin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Barn Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Barn Street
William Wisdom; Occupation - Labourer

George Griffin; Occupation - Ostler
George Broughton

Hannah Hopkins
13th March 1850
James Rogers

Maria Cook
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Wood Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Wood Street
Joseph Rogers; Occupation - Farmer

James Cook; Occupation - Inn Keeper
James Cook

Fanny Cook
20th March 1850
William Radcliffe

Frances Lura Burnett
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - New Meeting Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Freeman Street
William Radcliffw; Occupation - Farmer

Edward Burnett; Occupation - Clerk
James Watson

Ann Passorn ?
24th March 1850
Joseph Stanton

Elizabeth Whitworth
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Boatman; Abode - Water Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Key Hill
James Stanton; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Charles Whitworth; Occupation - Tool Maker
Charles Whitworth

Mary Ann Whitworth
31st March 1850
Lawrence Holmes

Hannah Parkin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pin Pointer; Abode - Pope Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pope Street
Samuel Holmes; Occupation - Cloth Worker

Robert Parkin; Occupation - Watch Maker
Thomas Baker

Sarah Ann Baker
31st March 1850
John Woolley

Mary Ann Sheldrak
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Gt Hampton Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gt Hampton Street
Samuel Woolley; Occupation - Umbrella Maker

John Sheldrak; Occupation - Labourer
John Roper

Mariah Smith
1st April 1850
William Young

Ann Devey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Maker; Abode - Broad Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Broad Street
Herbert Young; Occupation - Glass Maker

William Devey; Occupation - Brass Founder
Joseph Coates

Sarah Horton
10th April 1850
William Bannister Farmer

Sarah Turner
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Dealer; Abode - Lichfield Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Belmont Row
William Farmer; Occupation - Farmer

Simon Turner; Occupation - Bailiff
James Wolfsbery

Jane Woodcock
23rd April 1850
George Keys

Matilda Bartlett
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Wood Street
George Keys; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Richard Bartlett; Occupation - Custom House Officer
John Shields

Eliza Bate
13th May 1850
William Sharp

Sarah Byatt
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Huddersfield Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Abbotts Bromwley
William Sharp; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Hodson; Occupation - Labourer
George Sharp

Ann Byatt
13th May 1850
Darby Welch

Mary Kelley
Age Full; Wisower; Occupation - Bull Street; Abode - .

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Bull Street
Michael Welch; Occupation - Labourer

Lawrence Kelley; Occupation - Labourer
Mark ? Kelley

Ellen Kelley
20th May 1850
James Chamberlain

Sarah Turner
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brick Maker; Abode - John Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - John Street
Thomas Chamberlain; Occupation - Brick Maker

Thomas Turner; Occupation - Brass Candlestick Dresser
William Woolley

Ellen Powell
22nd May 1850
Thomas long

Martha Jane Tirney
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Birchall Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Belmont Row
Thomas Long; Occupation - Boot & Shoe Maker

John Tirney; Occupation - Stone Mason
Edwin Sturges

Frances Cook
2nd June 1850
William Whitehead

Emma Malin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Granville Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Masshouse Passage
William Whitehouse; Occupation - Comb Maker

Joseph Malin; Occupation - Gardener
James Woolley

Hannah Griffiths
12th June 1850
John Robbins

Phebe Silver
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Gt Russell Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gt Russell Street
John Robbins; Occupation - Labourer

William Tennant; Occupation - Farmer
James Bobbins

Ann Faux
17th June 1850
George Draper

mary Ann Manders
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Spoon Maker; Abode - Tanter Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Tanter Street
John Draper; Occupation - ? of Leather Dresser

Thomas Manders; Occupation - German Silver Spoon Filer
James Wolfsbery

Harriet Foster
18th June 1850
William Johns

Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Groom; Abode - Adderley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Adderley Street
Lewis Johns; Occupation - Farrier

Joseph Hall; Occupation - Labourer
Edward Courtley

Elizabeth Courtley
24th June 1850
John Bissell

Sarah Noons
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Spectacle Maker; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
George Bissell; Occupation - Spectacle Maker

Edwin Noons; Occupation - Labourer
John Blackhum

Maria Blackhum
1st July 1850
Thomas Burgess

Ann Quarinton
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Comb Maker; Abode - Digbeth

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Digbeth
John Burgess; Occupation - Stone Cutter

William Simmons; Occupation - Excise Man
William Jukes

Sarah Jukes
6th July 1850
William Clarson

Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - General ?; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
William Clarson; Occupation - Builder

Richard Barratt; Occupation - Draper
William Wade

Elizabeth Wade
14th July 1850
Mark Willets

Eliza Palmer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fitter; Abode - Freeman Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Meriden Street
William Willets; Occupation - Fitter

Benjamin Palmer; Occupation - Paper Maker
Sarah Lichfield

Emma Grigg
15th July 1850
Jacob Allen

Dorothy Milward
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Rule Maker; Abode - Howe Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Coventry Road
Isaac Allen; Occupation - Gardener

Peter Johnson; Occupation - Farmer
James Wolfsbery

Eliza Walker
21st July 1850
Richard Hague

Harriet Shaw
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Meriden Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Digbeth
Richard Hague; Occupation - Painter

John Shaw; Occupation - Cordwainer
Daniel Deakin

Ellen Riley
21st July 1850
George Field

Caroline butler
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Matchet Mounter; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Samuel Field; Occupation - Sword Blade Forger

James Butler; Occupation - Carpenter
Charles Field

Eliza Field
26th July 1850
Oliver Lashford

Sarah Wright
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Stafford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stafford Street
Luke Lashford; Occupation - Scythe Manufacturer

John Wright; Occupation - Farmer
George Keen

Mary Hands
28th July 1850
John Henry Wheeler

Ann Miles
Age Full; Widwoer; Occupation - Watch Maker; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Dale End
Thomas Wheeler; Occupation - Net Maker

William Mitton; Occupation - Turner
William Mitton

Mary Ann Mitton
12th August 1850
Richard Evans

Sarah Latham
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Edgbaston Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lawley Street
William Evans; Occupation - Whip Thong Maker

Thomas Latham; Occupation - Iron Candle Stick Maker
John Measey

Sarah Measey
18th August 1850
George Tomlinson

Ann Page
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Plumber & Glazier; Abode - Lichfield Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lichfield Street
Henry Tomlinson; Occupation - Gardener

John Page; Occupation - Labourer
William Bailey

Mary Anderson
8th September 1850
William Haynes

Sarah Kendrick
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Currier; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moor Street
William Haynes; Occupation - Currier

Frederick Kendrick; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Edward Bailey

Caroline Bailey
9th September 1850
James Newton

Phebe Bevans
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Lancaster Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lancaster Street
James Newton; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Joseph Bevans; Occupation - Fork Filer
George Mackenzie

Ann Mackenzie
10th September 1850
William Milton

Rebecca Winter
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Stone Mason; Abode - Vauxhall Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Congrave Street
John Milton; Occupation - Stone Mason

John Winter; Occupation - Steward
William Walker

Sophia ?
26th September 1850
William Stretton

Mary Horton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Dealer; Abode - Ludgate Hill

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Ludgate Hill
William Stretton; Occupation - Farmer

John Bowers; Occupation - Publican
James Blakemore

Sarah Blakemore
26th September 1850
George Wareham

Elizabeth Daughty
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Comb Cutter; Abode - Lancaster Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lancaster Street
William Wareham; Occupation - Silk Weaver

John Daughty; Occupation - Baker
Thomas Blewit

Jane Blewit
30th September 1850
David Patton

Ann Wood
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - White Washer; Abode - Heath Mill Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Heath Mill Lane
William Patton; Occupation - Spinner

Isaac Wood; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker
William Yates

Esther Yates
13th October 1850
John Harrie

Caroline Mary Lander
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Broad Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Frederick Street
John Harris; Occupation - Book Keeper

Thomas Lander; Occupation - Japanner
James Wolfsbery

? Wolfsbey
15th October 1850
Abner Harris

Eliza Bate
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Shop Keeper; Abode - Moor Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Moor Street
Benjamin Harris; Occupation - Nailor

Reuben Parsons; Occupation - Gun Maker
James Wolfsbery

William Brogdon
20th October 1850
James Turner

Susannah Whitehouse
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - ?; Abode - John Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - John Street
John Turner; Occupation - Farmer

Thomas Prees ?; Occupation - Farmer
John Prees

Ann Prees
22nd October 1850
John Haywood

Hannah Payne
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Holloway Head

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Holloway Head
John Haywood; Occupation - Labourer

Richard Bradford; Occupation - Labourer
William Stokes

Caroline Stokes
28th October 1850
John Grindon

Harriet Clancey
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Toy Maker; Abode - Lichfield Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Lichfield Street
Nicholas Grindon; Occupation - Smith

Samuel Ault; Occupation - Bricklayer
Frederick Neasy ?

James Wolfsbery
3rd November 1850
William Denham

Jane Sadler
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Chimney Sweep; Abode - Dale End

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Robert Denham; Occupation - ? Fitter

Samuel Sadler; Occupation - Tailor
Thomas Denham

Mary Drew
20th November 1850
Francis Smith

Hannah Tricklebank
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Bull Ring

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Duddeston Row
Thomas Smith; Occupation - Labourer

William Tricklebank; Occupation - Tailor
Robert Tricklebank

Elizabeth Smith
2nd December 1850
Michael Francis Murphy

Caroline Mobley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cordwainer; Abode - Cardigan Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holt Street
Patrick Murphy; Occupation - Gardener

William Mobley; Occupation - Labourer
Caroline Murphy

Sarah Page
8th December 1850
Alfred Brush

Hannah Porter
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Confectioner; Abode - Dale End

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Masshouse Lane
John Brush; Occupation - Leather Stainer

John Cope; Occupation - Cooper
Charles Holloway ?

? ?
9th December 1850
Henry Courts

Fanny Bolton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Whip Maker; Abode - Bradford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bradford Street
John Courts; Occupation - Farrier ?

Charles Bolton; Occupation - Brush Maker
William Badnadge

Maria Badnage
16th December 1850
John Perry

Sarah Garfield
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Howard Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cregoe Street
Samuel Perry; Occupation - Button Burnisher

John Garfield; Occupation - Shopman ?
Edwin Perry

Eliza Perry
17th December 1850
Septure Henry Staff

Elizabeth Taylor
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - ? ? Keeper; Abode - New Meeting Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Meeting Street
George Staff; Occupation - ?

Joseoh Taylor; Occupation - Licenced Victualler
Job Brake

Elvia Brake
22nd December 1850
James Milner

Harriet Rudge
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Holloway Head

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holloway Head
Thomas Milner; Occupation - Shoe Maker

William Rudge; Occupation - Portrait Painter
John Deveraux

Ann Deveraux
23rd December 1850
David Wheale

Sarah Beaman
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Puddler; Abode - New Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - New Canal Street
Thomas Wheale; Occupation - Moulder

John Beaman; Occupation - Puddler
Joseph Coleman ?

William Bragdon
24th December 1850
Richard Laisbrush

Mary Archer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Soldier; Abode - Barracks

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bread Street
Henry Laisbrush; Occupation - Labourer

William Archer; Occupation - Engineer
John Bradbury

William Bragdon
25th December 1850
Thomas Lavill

Mary Ann Rogers
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wire Drawer; Abode - Garrison Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Garrison Lane
George Lavill; Occupation - Wire Drawer

William Rogers; Occupation - Chain Maker
Wm. Rogers

Mary ? Smith ?
25th December 1850
John Blaick

Harriet Wilson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Finisher; Abode - Lench Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lench Street
William Blaick; Occupation - Needle Maker

Samuel Wilson; Occupation - Shoe Maker
John Riley ?

Hannah Foden ?
30th December 1850
Thomas Thurlow

Maria Barrs
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Merchants Clerk; Abode - Newhall Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edgbaston Street
James Thurlow; Occupation - Coach Proprieter

Thomas Barrs; Occupation - Publican
John Bradbury

William Bragdon