St David, Birmingham, Marriages 1866 to 1870

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
15th March 1866
John Partridge

Elizabeth Gossrill ?
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Wheelwright; Abode - Bissell Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Bissell Street
Edward Partridge; Occupation - Farmer

James Gossrill ?;Occupation - Footman ?
Amos Williams

Sarah Poulton
6th May 1866
George Frankton Crammer

Harriet Ince
Age 57; Widower; Occupation - Sadler; Abode - Glebe Street

Age 49; Widow; Abode - Nelson Street
John Crammer; Occupation - Machinist

William Morton; Occupation - Silversmith
Frederick Ward

Sarah Ward
3rd June 1866
Frederick Clark

Louisa Selman
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Sherborne Road

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Thomas Clark; Occupation - Farmer

Joseph Selman; Occupation - Baker
Joseph Selman

Jane Selman
24th June 1866
Frederick Rose

Harriet Walter
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Vaughton Street

Age 29; Widow; Abode - Vaughton Street
William Rose; Occupation - Labourer

Richard Field; Occupation - Labourer
Enoch Shooter

Emma Russell
8th July 1866
William Matthews

Mary Elizabeth Silk
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Letter Carrier; Abode - Digbeth

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Princip Street
Joseph Smith; Occupation - Groom

Thomas Silk; Occupation - Cooper
Mark ? Cross

? ? Cross
16th August 1866
Henry Beers

Ann Walter
Age 30; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Birmingham

Age 37; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
Thomas Beers; Occupation - Gardener

John Walter; Occupation - Gentleman
George Hindmarch

Emma Hindmarch
16th September 1866
Charles Joseph Harris

Emma Bishop
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Fish Monger; Abode - Birmingham

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
John Harris; Occupation - General Dealer

Thomas Bishop; Occupation - Iron Monger
John Harris

Louisa ? Bishop
16th September 1866
George Banning

Emma Piper
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Gas Fitter; Abode - Birmingham

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
Thomas Banning; Occupation - Thomas Piper

Goods ?; Occupation - Brick Layer
David Molesworth

Betsey Banning
20th September 1866
William Llewellyn Lloyd

Mary Elizabeth Gossage
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Birmingham

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
John Lloyd; Occupation - Builder

Thomas Gilbert Gossage; Occupation - Cooper
George Bown

Alice Mary Brownhead
2nd October 1866
Henry Kimber

Clara Newey
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Provision Dealer; Abode - Birmingham

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
Thomas Kimber; Occupation - Decorator

William Newey; Occupation - Gilt Toy Maker
William Newey

Sarah Newey
30th October 1866
David Molesworth

Elizabeth Williams
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Brush Maker; Abode - Birmingham

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
Frederick Molesworth; Occupation - Plane Maker

John Williams; Occupation - Carpenter & Joiner
George Banning

Emma Banning
30th October 1866
Daniel Ward

Betsey Smitten
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Cab Proprietor; Abode - Birmingham

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
William Ward; Occupation - Labourer

Robert Smitten; Occupation - Cow Keeper
James Solomon Wheeler

Jane Wheeler
6th November 1866
John Keighton Mills

Catherine Sharp
Age 46; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Birmingham

Age 40; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
John Mills; Occupation - Farmer

William Sharp; Occupation - Butcher
Richard Poulton

Sarah Poulton
12th November 1866
George Smith

Mary Colman Cox
Age 25; Widower; Occupation - Game Keeper; Abode - Birmingham

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
James Smith; Occupation - Game Keeper

John Cox; Occupation - Labourer
Charles Smith

Matilda Smith
9th December 1866
Thomas Adams

Emma Morse
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Fruiterer ?; Abode - .

Age 35; Widow; Abode - .
Joseph Adams; Occupation - Gun Maker

John James; Occupation - Farmer
Harry Scrivines

Maria Craddok ?
23rd December 1866
Frederick Osman

Elizabeth Robinson
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Machine Fitter; Abode - Birmingham

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
John Osman; Occupation - Stone Mason

Thomas Robinson; Occupation - Bricklayer
Alfred Molesworth

Catherine Sherrick ?
25th December 1866
James Richard Truman

Eliza Barker
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Birmingham; Abode - .

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
James Truman; Occupation - Whitesmith

John Barker; Occupation - Coachman
James Truman

Ann Truman
14th January 1867
Noah Priest

Charlotte Harper
Age 60; Widower; Occupation - Nail Forger; Abode - Birmingham

Age 60; Widow; Abode - Birmingham
Benjamin Priest; Occupation - Nail Forger

Richard ?; Occupation - Bricklayer
James Grogan

Jemima Dowell
24th January 1867
George Edward Hirons

Ann Ashmore
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter & Joiner; Abode - Balsall Heath

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Balsall Heath
Edward Hirons; Occupation - Carpenter (Deceased)

Thomas Ashmore; Occupation - Labourer
Edward Williams

Emma Ashmore
22nd April 1867
James Hodge

Mary Ann Turner
Age 27; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Birmingham

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
John Hodge; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Turner; Occupation - Over Worker of Labourers
George Richard Nock

Elizabeth Lacey
11th June 1867
William Gethin

Harriet Handley
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Shuttle Maker; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 29; Spinster; Abode - Macdonald Street
Richard Gethin; Occupation - Tailor

Thomas Handley; Occupation - Gardener
Thomas Gethin

Sarah Burrow ?
29th July 1867
Frederick Parker

Helen Harriman
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Pork Butcher; Abode - Gooch Street

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
Henry Samuel Parker; Occupation - ? Publican

Abraham Harriman; Occupation - Bricklayer
John Draper

Sarah ?
19th August 1867
John Collins Cheshire

Hannah Holling
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 31; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
William Cheshire; Occupation - Grocer

William Holling; Occupation - Cabinet Maker
William Cheshire

Elizabeth Cheshire
30th September 1867
Alfred Jennings

Ann Maria Scott
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Birmingham

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
William Jennings; Occupation - Blank Tray Maker

Edward Scott; Occupation - Builder
Richard Bull

Sarah Scott
30th September 1867
Samuel Gale

Ann Cooper
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Currier; Abode - Walsall

Age 37; Widow; Abode - Sherlock Street
Samuel Gale; Occupation - Stove Maker

John Perry; Occupation - Coal Merchant
Edward Mason

Clara ? Mason
16th November 1867
William Hercock

Emma Gibbons
Age 34; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Gooch Street

Age 39; Spinster; Abode - Gooch Street
John Hercock; Occupation - Labourer

William Gibbons; Occupation - Plumber
James Witten

Mary Ann Shurtor ?
24th November 1867
William Quincey

Emma Carpenter
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - ?; Abode - Birmingham

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham
William Quincey; Occupation - Farmer

John Carpenter; Occupation - Tanner
William Quincey

Ann Quincey
27th November 1867
William Bristoll

Ellen Painting
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Bissell Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Bissell Street
William Bristoll; Occupation - Sawyer

Daniel Painting; Occupation - Corn Dealer
James Bristoll

Emma Lucas
25th December 1867
William Thomas

Hannah Brown
Age 49; Widower; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - Bishop Street South

Age 44; Widow; Abode - Bishop Sreet South
Joseph Thomas; Occupation - Joiner

William Scott; Occupation - Bricklayer
John Dutton

Sarah Dutton
11th February 1868
William Banks

Ellen Ward
Age 27; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Northampton
William Banks; Occupation - Farmer

John Ward; Occupation - Hair Dresser
George Mack ?

Annie Hill
17th May 1868
John Cale

Charoltte Phillips
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - St Lukes Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pershore Road
Thomas Cale; Occupation - Labourer

John Phillips; Occupation - Carpenter
George Loley ?

Eliza Cale
19th May 1868
Benaiah Baker

Louisa Jane Trovell
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Chandelier Maker; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Street
Joahida ? Baker; Occupation - Chandelier Maker

Joseph Trovell; Occupation - Station Master
William Higgs

Catherine Anne Higgs
1st June 1868
Henry Nicholls

Selina Acteson ?
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Boiler Maker; Abode - Gooch Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Gooch Street
Thomas Nicholls; Occupation - Labourer

William Thomas Acteson ?; Occupation - Water Bailiff
John Francis Owen

Helen Clueit ?
5th July 1868
Eli Marks

Sarah Ann Blogg
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Packer; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Thomas Marks; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas William Blogg; Occupation - House Painter
Thomas William Blogg

Eliza Cooper
9th August 1868
William Taylor

Elizabeth Sheppard
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gas Fitter; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
William Taylor; Occupation - Farmer

John Sheppard; Occupation - Blacksmith
George Nock

Elizabeth Nock
17th August 1868
Alfred Thomas Field

Mary Ann Butler
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Coach Spring Maker; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Charles Henry Street
Thomas Field; Occupation - ? Maker

Philip Butler; Occupation - Sawyer
Thomas Field

Susanna Field
23rd August 1868
Benjamin Baker

Ann Waldron
Age 44; Widower; Occupation - Paviour; Abode - Barford Street

Age 50; Widow; Abode - Barford Street
Samuel Baker; Occupation - Paviour

Edward Treadgold; Occupation - Bricklayer
John Treadgold

Catherine Humpage
30th August 1868
Edward Peakman

Elizabeth Maides
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Hostler; Abode - Vere ? Street

Age 28; Widow; Abode - Vere ? Street
Deceased; Occupation - Non Stated

Francis Congrave; Occupation - Clicker
Francis Congrave

Amelia Billingsley
10th September 1868
James White

Sarah Jane Garrington
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Engine Driver; Abode - Bissell Street

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Bissell Street
Samuel White; Occupation - Soldier

Henry Garrington; Occupation - Gun Finisher
George Coombes

Lucy Rea ?
19th October 1868
William Cherry

Elizabeth Thompson
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Poulterer; Abode - Bristol Street

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - 36 Bath Row
William Cherry; Occupation - Labourer

John Thompson; Occupation - Labourer
Joseph Strickley

Mary Ann Hancock
25th October 1868
Joseph Edwards

Emma Jane Blick
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Iron Monger; Abode - Barford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
John Edwards; Occupation - Iron Monger

John William Blick; Occupation - Confectioner
George Richard Nock

Rebecca Blick
20th December 1868
Thomas Bliss

Esther Jane Drury
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Chandler; Abode - Digbeth

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Digbeth
John Bliss; Occupation - Publican

John Drury; Occupation - Pork Butcher
John Ellis

Jane Morgan
25th December 1868
Henry Attwood

Sarah Humpage
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker; Abode - Barford Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Wrentham Street
Henry Attwood; Occupation - Carpenter

Thomas Humpage; Occupation - Bricklayer
William Walton

Fanny Pye
28th December 1868
Frederick Oswin

Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Cheapside

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Skinner Lane
Edwin Oswin; Occupation - Hosier

Thomas Marshall; Occupation - Bootmaker
Thomas Marshall

Charlotte Marshall
9th January 1869
William Simpson

Ann Smith
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Tanner; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
William Simpson; Occupation - Tanner

Thomas Smith; Occupation - Tanner
Thomas Capewell

Eliza Daffon
1st February 1869
Joseph Howell

Charlotte Russell
Age 38; Bachelor; Occupation - Machine Fitter; Abode - Vaughton Street

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Vaughton Street
John Howell; Occupation - Bricklayer

William Russell; Occupation - Coach Painter
Timothy Norbery ?

Mary ? Morbey ?
23rd February 1869
Samuel Carless Moore

Jane Wheeler
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Gooch Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Gooch Street
Thomas Moore; Occupation - Farmer

Benjamin Wheeler; Occupation - Stone Mason
Jonathan Heming

Mary Moore
1st March 1869
Harry Hollins

Emma Boston
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Traveller; Abode - Barford Street

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
Cornelius Hollins; Occupation - Deceased

William Boston; Occupation - Deceased
Charles Dyke

Deliah Caddick
7th March 1869
William Cooper

Mary Ann Smith
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Bristol Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Balsall Street
James Cooper; Occupation - Labourer

George Smith; Occupation - Labourer
William Quincy ?

Elizabeth Tunnington ?
21st March 1869
Wintour Sterry

Elizabeth Hayward
Age 59; Widower; Occupation - Salesman; Abode - Rea Street

Age 53; Widow; Abode - Rea Street
William Sterry; Occupation - Dealer

Richard Drinkwater; Occupation - Surgeon
Edward Davis

Fanny ? Davis
25th April 1869
Daniel Callaway Kingerlee

Eliza Roberts
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Plasterer; Abode - Thomas Street

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Darwin Street
Jesse Kingerlee; Occupation - Plasterer

John Roberts; Occupation - Tube Maker
Thomas Roberts

Mary Ann Williams
9th May 1869
Robert Butler

Jane Jemima Grigg
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Stone Mason; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Thomas Butler; Occupation - ? Writer

Thomas Grigg; Occupation - Butcher
Thomas ?

Ellen Grigg
7th June 1869
Rueben Hitching

Mary Ann Jackson
Age 35; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Barford Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
John Hitching; Occupation - Baker

Thomas Jackson; Occupation - ?
Samuel George Hands

Elizabeth C Hands
11th July 1869
Frederick George Harris

Lucy Ann Sage
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Fish Monger; Abode - Nelson Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Gooch Street
John Harris; Occupation - Timber Dealer

Thomas Sage; Occupation - Japanner
John Harris

Walter Henry Harris
12th July 1869
James Aldhous

Mary Ann Wood
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Plane Maker; Abode - Barford Street

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Macdonald Street
Robert Aldhous; Occupation - Carpenter

Matthew Wood; Occupation - Joiner
Edwin Aldhous

Selina Truman
14th July 1869
William Collins Liddell

Emily Mary Powell
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Clock & Watch Maker; Abode - Bromsgrove Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Charles Henry Street
William Liddell; Occupation - Labourer

Benjamin Powell; Occupation - Policeman
Benjamin Powell

Sarah Anne Powell
18th July 1869
Thomas Kelly

Rose Brown
Age 28; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Hope Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Hope Street
Patrick Kelly; Occupation - Farmer

John Brown; Occupation - Spirit ? Agent
John Steventon

Harriet Rose
26th July 1869
Charles Jackson

Sarah Desmond
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Saddle Tree Maker; Abode - William Edward Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - William Edward Street
George Jackson; Occupation - Shoemaker

Daniel Desmond; Occupation - Carpenter
George Nock

Elizabeth Nock
15th August 1869
George Rollings

Georgina Abell
Age 34; Bachelor; Occupation - Railway Porter; Abode - Wrentham Street

Age 35; Widow; Abode - Wrentham Street
Thomas Rollings; Occupation - Carpet Weaver

William Phillips; Occupation - Labourer
John Lamb

Harriet Lamb
21st August 1869
James Hill

Elizabeth Fearn
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Bissell Street

Age 29; Spinster; Abode - Bissell Street
Stephen Hill; Occupation - Furnaceman

John Fearn; Occupation - Joiner
Timothy perry

Ann Smith
22nd August 1869
Robert Brian

Henrietta Hampton
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Robert Brian; Occupation - Butcher

Henry Hampton; Occupation - Machinist
Mary Hampton

Emily Scrivens ?
24th August 1869
Robert Joseph Fraser

Louise Mary Chambers
Age 30; Bachelor; Occupation - Book ? Binder; Abode - Gooch Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Gooch Street
John Fraser; Occupation - Book ? Binder

Arthur Chambers; Occupation - Book ? Binder
John Fraser

Martha Davies
18th September 1869
Charles Dyke

Charlotte Beasley
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass founder; Abode - Bromsgrove Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Bromsgrove Street
Joseph Dyke; Occupation - Leather Dyer

John Beasley; Occupation - ? Maker
James Vears

Kate Dyke
20th September 1869
Alfred Weaver

Sarah Harper
Age 34; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Wrentham Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Wrentham Street
Edward Weaver; Occupation - Baker

George Harper; Occupation - Carpenter
Henry Bingham

Mary Crowther
25th September 1869
Julius Miller

Sarah Jane Yates
Age 39; Bachelor; Occupation - Fancy Leather Dealer; Abode - Bissell Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Angelina Street
Samuel Miller; Occupation - Wool & Hide Merchant

Edward Yates; Occupation - ? Leather Japanner
James Lake Kirton

Mary Ann Kirton
14th October 1869
Charles Gadsby

Jane Brandrick
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Hope Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Hope Street
Thomas Gadsby; Occupation - Baker

Joseph Brandrick; Occupation - Shoemaker
John Assindel ?

Elizabeth Dossett
17th October 1869
Joseph Harris

Ellen Bert
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Longine ? Stret

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - West Bromwich
William Harris; Occupation - Shepherd

Richard Bert; Occupation - Labourer
George Harris

Eliza Harris
17th October 1869
Henry Ashmore

Elizabeth Jinks
Age 31; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Hope Street

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Hope Street
Thomas Ashmore; Occupation - Deceased

John Jinks; Occupation - Labourer
William Walton

Mary Ann Walton
6th December 1869
Johnson Rowney

Sarah Bennett
Age 31; Bachelor; Occupation - Stone Carver; Abode - Lower Hurst Street

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - 244 Sherlock Street
James Rowney; Occupation - Deceased

Samuel Bennett; Occupation - Deceased
George Drew

Sarah Hastings
13th December 1869
Thomas Maddocks

Catherine Crawford
Age 35; Widower; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker; Abode - Thea Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Thea Street
George Maddocks; Occupation - Brazier

Collin Crawford; Occupation - Pudler
George Hancox

Eliza Hancox
20th December 1869
Phillip Ward

Ann Catherine Perkins
Age 35; Widower; Occupation - Nail Caster; Abode - Barford Street

Age 35; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
John Ward; Occupation - Scale Maker

Thomas Perkins; Occupation - Deceased
John Latham

Elizabeth Watton
24th December 1869
Joshua Henderson

Phoebe Martin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wire Dish Lever Maker; Abode - Irving Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hill Street
William Henderson; Occupation - Wire ? Disc Cover Maker

David Martin; Occupation - Stamp Maker
Joseph Fellows

Ann Henderson
25th December 1869
Thomas Shenton

Mary Smith
Age 45; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoemaker; Abode - Longmore Street

Age 38; Spinster; Abode - Bell Barn Road
Richard Shenton; Occupation - Tailor

John Smith; Occupation - Labourer
George Mack

Emma Saxton
25th December 1869
John Green

Emma Thomas
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Fishmonger; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Anthony Green; Occupation - Fresh Friut Merchant

Theophilus Thomas; Occupation - Blacksmith
Alfred Saxton

Emma Saxton
25th December 1869
John Edwards

Emma Wilkinson
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Charles Henry Street
John Edwards; Occupation - Iron Forger

George Wilkinson; Occupation - Labourer
William Field

Rebecca Blick
30th December 1869
Ernest Fryer

Charlotte Langley
Age 28; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Moseley Road

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Road
John Fryer; Occupation - Blacksmith

William Langley; Occupation - Tailor
Thomas Wattan

Mary Ann Langley
4th January 1870
Robert Woodhouse

Emma Jones
Age 34; Bachelor; Occupation - Boot & Shoe Maker; Abode - Wrentham Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Wrentham Street
Robert Woodhouse; Occupation - Boot & Shoe Maker

Charles Jones; Occupation - Labourer
John William Clarke

Angelina Richardson
9th January 1870
John Lewis

Selina Fellows
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Princess ? Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - ? Street
John Lewis; Occupation - Labourer

John Fellows; Occupation - Gas Fitter
Edward Daniels

Hannah Daniels
23rd January 1870
Charles Grimley

Ann Maria Jones
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - House Painter; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Edward Grimley; Occupation - Licenced Victualler

John Jones; Occupation - Shoe Maker
George Nock

Elizabeth Nock
20th March 1870
Thomas Wilkes

Eliza Richards
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Gas Tube Maker; Abode - Barford Street

Age 29; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
Joseph Wilkes; Occupation - Labourer

John Richards; Occupation - Deceased
Joseph Wilkes

Ann Wilkes
29th March 1870
William Henry Taylor

Emma Longhurst Manning
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Macdonald Street

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Macdonald Street
George Taylor; Occupation - Proctor ?

Thomas Allen Manning; Occupation - Manufaxturor
Thomas Allen Manning

Anne Elizabeth Manning
4th April 1870
Benjamin Taylor

Emma Irons
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Barford Street

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
William Taylor; Occupation - Mason

William Irons; Occupation - Basket Maker
John Brown

Elizabeth Smith
17th April 1870
George Reeder

Esther Maria Gordon
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Brazier; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Bissell Street
Charles Reeder; Occupation - Deceased

William Gordon; Occupation - Zinc Worker
William Gordon

Elizabeth Richardson
24th April 1870
William Hughes

Mary Keziah Harris
Age 25; Bachelor; Occupation - Wire Drawer; Abode - Allcock Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Bissell Street
James Hughes; Occupation - Needle Driller

William Harris; Occupation - Needle Pointer
William Lippett

Frances Foden
6th June 1870
John Pratt

Catherine Ryan
Age 50; Widower; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 35; Widow; Abode - Charles Henry Street
John Pratt; Occupation - Bricklayer

Edwin Kelley; Occupation - Farmer
William Neary

Elizabeth Pratt
14th June 1870
Thomas Baker

Caroline Jelf
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Accountant Clerk; Abode - Moseley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Vincent Street
Mark Baker; Occupation - Budle Bit Manufacturer

Joseph Jelf; Occupation - Deceased
Mark Baker

Ellen Baker
10th July 1870
George West

Susannah Kettle
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Rea Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Rea Street
George West; Occupation - Labourer

John Kettle; Occupation - Labourer
Joseph Kettle

Sarah Briggs
17th July 1870
Daniel Darby

Priscilla Cheshire
Age 26; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Charles Henry Street
Daniel Darby; Occupation - Farmer

William Cheshire; Occupation - Grocer
George Higgins

Elizabeth Cheshire
24th July 1870
William Richardson

Harriett Smith
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Charles Richardson; Occupation - Gardner

Edward Smith; Occupation - Farmer
Charles Richardson

Eliza Smith
1st August 1870
John Lane

Mary Ann Darby
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Saddle Tree Maker; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
Stephen Lane; Occupation - ?

Ader ? Darby; Occupation - Bricklayer
Thomas Darby

Hannah Clark
7th August 1870
Edward Robert Hudson

Maria Hodgetts
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Hostler; Abode - St Martins Lane

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Charles Henry Street
John Hudson; Occupation - Parish Constable

John Hodgetts; Occupation - Stock Taker
George Nock

Mary Francis
15th August 1870
John Osborne

Jane Osborne
Age 33; Bachelor; Occupation - ? Maker; Abode - Lower Essex Street

Age 30; Widow; Abode - Lower Essex Street
Samuel Osborne; Occupation - ? Maker

Samuel Tonks; Occupation - Publican & Maltster
Edward Leach

Helen Stirchwell
23rd August 1870
Arthur Jones

Frances Marlow
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Highgate Street

Age 17; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Street
Daniel Jones; Occupation - Tailor

James Marlow; Occupation - Deceased
Thomas Kendall

Maria Marlow
12th September 1870
John William Harrisons

Esther Fellows
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Worker; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Charles Henry Street
John William Harrison; Occupation - Fish Monger

Enoch Fellows; Occupation - Blank Maker
Charles Gilbert

Mary Ann Tonks
9th October 1870
John Hall

Emily Neale
Age 23; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Barford Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
Joseph Hall; Occupation - Carpenter

James Neale; Occupation - Carpenter
Joseph Bagshaw

Elizabeth Gough
10th October 1870
Joseph Brown

Harriet Emuss
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Boot & Shoe Maker; Abode - Lower Hurst Street

Age 18; Spinster; Abode - Lower Hurst Street
Edward Brown; Occupation - Boot & Shoe Maker

George Emuss; Occupation - Steel Cleaner ?
James Graves

Maria Brown
30th October 1870
John Harmer

Sarah Stenton
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - ? Worker; Abode - Bishop Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Hope Street
Thomas Harmer; Occupation - Coach Builder

John Stenton; Occupation - Bricklayer
William Clarke

Mary Ann Stenton
16th November 1870
Thomas Wells Shaw

Augusta Harriet Watkins
Age 30; Bachelor; Occupation - Stoker; Abode - Charles Henry Street

Age 32; Widow; Abode - Bishop Street
Thomas Shaw; Occupation - Miller

Harry Costai ?; Occupation - Coach Builder
Joseph ?

Elizabeth Nock
20th November 1870
Joseph Minett

Martha Divett
Age 27; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Bishop Street

Age 29; Spinster; Abode - Bishop Street
James Minett; Occupation - Labourer

Samuel Divett; Occupation - Cow Doctor
Samuel Divett

Maria Divett
27th November 1870
Josiah Matthews

Emma Little
Age 30; Bachelor; Occupation - Upholsterer; Abode - Congreave Street

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Congreave Street
Joseph Matthews; Occupation - Deceased

Thomas Little; Occupation - Gardener
John Fellows

Susannah Fellows
18th December 1870
William Wauman

Rebecca Splason
Age 41; Widower; Occupation - Carter; Abode - Gooch Street

Age 37; Widow; Abode - Gooch Street
William Wauman; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Keeton; Occupation - Fender Maker
Thomas Fevers

Susannah Fevers
19th December 1870
James Walker

Margaret Williams
Age 37; Widower; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Sherlock Street

Age 37; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
James Walker; Occupation - Farmer

Joseph Williams; Occupation - Labourer
Arthur Jones

Frances Williams
29th December 1870
Alexander Smout

Clara Harriss
Age 21; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Hope Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Barford Street
Thomas Smout; Occupation - Needle Maker

William Harris; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Harriss

Susan Smout