All Saints, Birmingham, Marriages 1837 to 1840

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
3rd July 1837
Griffith Lloyd

Emma Dean
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Carver Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Carver Street
John Lloyd; Occupation - Purser Steward

John Dean; Occupation - Farmer
Richard Noonan

Mary Noonan
29th August 1837
John Christian Dade

Mary Truss
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Merchant; Abode - Birmingham Heath

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hockley
Henry Christian Dade; Occupation - Merchant

John Truss; Occupation - Accountant
Phoebe Whitehouse

Daniel Whitehouse
13th November 1837
Henry Mills

Jane Wilson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Printer; Abode - Brierley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kenyon Street
Thomas Mills; Occupation - Chain Maker

Eyre Coote Wilson; Occupation - Tailor
Charles Perks

Sarah Wilson
21st November 1837
James Watkins

Mary Thorne
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Heneage Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Heneage Street
Thomas Watkins; Occupation - Retail Brewer

Thomas Thorne; Occupation - Farmer
Caroline Watkins

Daniel Whitehouse
27th November 1837
John Umperville

Mary Rogers
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Jeweller; Abode - 76 Lower Tower Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 59 Graham Street
Edward Umperville; Occupation - Gentleman

William Rogers; Occupation - Gentleman
Benjamin Tilley

Eliza ?
4th December 1837
James Malaband

Hannah Harvey
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - 14 Great Hampton Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 15 Ct, Great HamptonS treet
John Malaband; Occupation - Victualler

Thomas Harvey; Occupation - Caster
Sarah Tibbetts

Daniel Whithouse
15th January 1838
Richard Deakin

Mary Woods
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Corn Dealer; Abode - Birmingham Heath

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 34 Livery Street
Richard Deakin; Occupation - Clerk

James Woods; Occupation - House Agent
James Woods

Sarah Allport
22nd January 1838
John Lee

Mary Reeves
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Plater; Abode - Ryland Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 3 Ct Carver Street
John Lee; Occupation - Victualler

Thomas Reeves; Occupation - Baker
William Blews

Ann Moore
23rd January 1838
Joseph Husband

Ann Kinsey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Spring Hill

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spring Hill
Thomas Husband; Occupation - Labourer

Richard Kinsey; Occupation - Ostler
Samuel Gillman

Eliza Hollioakes
28th January 1838
Thomas Hadley

Ann Kendrick
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - 14 Ct, Gt Charles Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 14 Ct, Gt Charles Street
Henry Page; Occupation - Labourer

Phinikas Kendrick; Occupation - Locksmith
Edward Plant

Sarah Plant
14th February 1838
Thomas Bradbury

Elizabeth Mary Shore
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - 13 King Edwards Place

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 33 Caroline Street
Joseph Bradbury; Occupation - Brass Founder

Joseph Shore; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker
Joseph Shore

Louisa Shore
6th February 1838
Samuel Swingler

Mary Ann Bellamy
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - British Plate Worker; Abode - Lozells

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 60 Newhall Street
Thomas Swingler; Occupation - Plater

Samuel Adcock; Occupation - Lockmaker
Elizabeth Swingler

Henry Swingler
17th February 1838
Henry Whitworth

Mary Ann Baxter
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Miner; Abode - 84 High Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spring Hill
Thomas Whitworth; Occupation - Draper

William Baxter; Occupation - Malster
Mary Whitworth

Thomas Baxter
12th May 1838
Solomon Grosvenor Walters

Mary Alcock
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Schoolmaster; Abode - 20 Gt King Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Alcock
Solomon Grosvenor Walters; Occupation - Lamp Maker

Thomas Alcock; Occupation - Jeweller
Maria Walters

Chas ? M ? Walters
13th May 1838
Ebenezer Smith

Mary Ann Hopwood
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Finisher; Abode - 39 Northwood Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 39 Northwood Street
Thomas Smith; Occupation - Scale Beam Maker

Thomas Hopwood; Occupation - Carpenter
George Janey ?

Rachel Moutes ?
20th May 1838
John Turley

Mary Moore
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Fire Iron Maker; Abode - Providence Court, Gt Hampton Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 6 Fllodgate Street
William Turley; Occupation - Fire Iron Maker

John Moore; Occupation - Candle Stick Maker
Henry Glover

Hannah Moore
3rd June 1838
James Whitehouse

Ann Breedon
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Edge Tool Maker; Abode - Cardigan Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 19 Moland Street
John Whitehouse; Occupation - Edge Tool Maker

Samuel Breedon; Occupation - Coach Harness Maker
Joseph Saunders

Eliza Greenwood
3rd June 1838
Theophilus Hough

Sarah Greenwood
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker; Abode - 355 Cheapside

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 355 Cheapside
Samuel Hough; Occupation - Shoe Maker

William Greenwood; Occupation - Leather Dresser
Jane Haslop

Henry Haslop
3rd June 1838
Frederick Lloyd

Hannah Hill
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker; Abode - Ct 4, Hall Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Lionel Street
Enock Lloyd; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker

Joseph Hill; Occupation - Thimble Maker
John Broadbent

Jane Jennings
11th June 1838
John Collingwood

Matilda Jones
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cabinet Maker; Abode - 7 Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 108 Lawley Street
John Collingwood; Occupation - Steward

Joseph Jones; Occupation - Chain Maker
Eliza Baker

? Baker
15th July 1838
Thomas Roberts

Mary Knott
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Malster; Abode - Barr Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Barr Street
William Roberts; Occupation - Farmer

Edward Knott; Occupation - Labourer
Daniel Whithouse

James Bird
5th August 1838
George Worrall

Maria Johnson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker; Abode - 32 Loveday Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 18 Summer Row
William Worrall; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker

William Johnson; Occupation - Oil Cloth Maker
Sarah Bennett

William Stanton
19th August 1838
James Richards

Rebecca Adey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bridle Cutter; Abode - 17 Ct, Newhall Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 17 Ct, Wharf Street
William Richards; Occupation - Bridle Cutter

Joseph Adey; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Daniel Whitehouse

James Bird
19th August 1838
Joseph Grice

Sarah Carrington
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Coach Smith; Abode - 7 Tower Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 80 Upper Tower Street
John Grice; Occupation - Gun Implemant Maker

William Carrington; Occupation - Snuffer Maker
Thomas Wormington

Eliza Potts ?
19th August 1838
Charles Stuart

Lydia Lloyd
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Smith; Abode - 17 Holland Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 3 Ct Holland Street
Charles Stuart; Occupation - Smith

William Bell; Occupation - NonStated
Jessie Edwards

Ann Reynolds
27th August 1838
Charles Yates

Eliza Ward
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Tool Maker; Abode - Icknield Road

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 2 Hill Street
Joseph Yates; Occupation - Packer

Benjamin Ward; Occupation - Non Stated
Ann Jarvis

Benjamin Davis
2nd September 1838
William Robert Manley

Mary Booth
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Waiter; Abode - Gib Heath

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Gib Heath
Robert Manley; Occupation - Tailor

Joseph Booth; Occupation - Labourer
William Martin

Sarah Sanders
4th September 1838
Thomas Edwards

Mary Ann Harrison
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coachman; Abode - Five Ways

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Five Ways
John Edwards; Occupation - Gardener

Richard Harrison; Occupation - Hair Dresser
Richard Harrison

Susan ?
16th September 1838
Charles Stuart

Ann Reynolds
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Smith; Abode - Holland Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bread Street
Charles Stuart; Occupation - Smith

William Reynolds; Occupation - Wire Drawer
Sarah Edwards

Jessie Edwards
23rd September 1838
Thomas Knight

Ann Singleton
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Sheepcote Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lea Bridge
Thomas Knight; Occupation - Labourer

David Singleton; Occupation - Labourer
Daniel Whitehouse

James Bird
30th September 1838
Richard Painter

Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - 116 Carver Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 116 Carver Street
Thomas Painter; Occupation - Cord Wainer

Benjamin Eaton; Occupation - Tailor
Elizabeth Walker

Daniel Whitehouse
8th October 1838
Edwar Vincent

Elizabeth Gretton
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Jeweller; Abode - 9 Ct St Georges Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 5 Ludgate Hill
John Vincent; Occupation - Brass Founder

James Gretton; Occupation - Tool Maker
Mary Ann Smith

Daniel Whitehouse
17th October 1838
William Sayer

Clara Hands
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pearl Ornament Maker; Abode - Nelson Street West

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Saltley
William Sayer; Occupation - Packer

Daniel Hands; Occupation - Button Varnisher
Isaac Hands

Mary Hands
22nd October 1838
John Luckcock

Mary Oakes
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Button Stamper; Abode - Handsworth

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Handsworth
William Luckcock; Occupation - Refiner

William Waring; Occupation - Stone Mason
Samuel Oakes

Ann Oakes
22nd October 1838
Richard Blakeman

Elizabeth Rogers
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Tailor & Draper; Abode - 59 Graham Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 59 Graham Street
Daniel Blakeman; Occupation - Non State

Joseph Hearson; Occupation - Lapidary
Benjamin Tilley

Eliza Blakeman
10th November 1838
William Fletcher

Hannah Baker
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Sedgley

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 6 George Street
Joseph Fletcher; Occupation - Malster

Isaiah Baker; Occupation - Screw Manufacturer
Isiah Baker

Daniel Whitehouse
12th November 1838
John Sharp

Sarah Hanson
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gas Fitter; Abode - Ct 9, Kenion Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - BrassHouse Passage, Broad Street
Richard Sharp; Occupation - Farrier

Benjamin Eaton; Occupation - Tailor
Elizabeth Walker

John Walker
20th November 1838
Mathhew Henry Floyd

Caroline Marklew
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gilt Toy Maker; Abode - 4 Bond Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 7 Edmund Street
James Floyd; Occupation - Tailor

William Marklew; Occupation - Brass Founder
Edward ?

Sarah Tibbits
26th November 1838
William Cole Barton

Sarah Morris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - West Bromwich

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - West Bromwich
WilliamCole Barton; Occupation - Victualler

Peter Morris; Occupation - Tailor
William Morris

Jane ?
23rd December 1838
William Jones

Martha Jones
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - 15 Ct, Gt Hampton Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 15 Ct, Gt Hampton Street
John Jones; Occupation - Labourer

Benson Jones; Occupation - Bricklayer
Matilda Jones

Samuel Griffiths
23rd December 1838
James Yates

Mary Ann Egginton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Iron Caster; Abode - 3 Hatchet Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 3 Hatchet Street
Robert Yates; Occupation - Jeweller

Joseph Egginton; Occupation - Snuffer Polisher
Robert Yates

Rebecca Yates
23rd December 1838
William Williams

Selina Day
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Lamp Maker; Abode - 10 Ct, Gt Hampton Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 10 Ct, Gt Hampton Street
Thomas Williams; Occupation - Gas Maker

Joseph Day; Occupation - Shoe Maker
William Turley

Charlotte Turley
26th December 1838
Thomas Redfern

Eliza Fitter
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Silver Plate Worker; Abode - 22 Hall Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 78 Bartholomew Street
Joseph Redfern; Occupation - Gilt Toy Maker

Joseph Fitter; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker
Mary Ann Hulme

John Redfern
27th January 1839
John Patrick

Mary Ann Jobling
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Confectioner; Abode - Gt Barr Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Gt Barr Street
Joseph Patrick; Occupation - Confectioner

Henry Jobling; Occupation - Anvil Maker
Rebecca Harris

David Brueley ?
3rd February 1839
Herbert Oldfield

Ann Beach
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Toy Maker; Abode - 10 Colmore Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 43 Queen Street
Edward Sharrat; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Joseph Houghton; Occupation - Butcher
Joseph Warwick

Hannah Warwick
4th February 1839
John Jays

Elizabeth Tyers
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Handsworth

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Handsworth
Joseph Jays; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Tyers; Occupation - Labourer
Joseph Jays

Harriet Jays
5th February 1839
Joseph Westwood

Mary Henshaw
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Maker; Abode - 70 Gt Charles Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 75 Gt Charles Street
Joseph Westwood; Occupation - Gun Maker

Richard William Henshaw; Occupation - Hammer Maker
Maria Phonus ?

Mary Westwood
11th February 1839
James Bennett

Mary Banks
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Springfield Cottage

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Aston Road
John Bennett; Occupation - Labourer

Samuel Banks; Occupation - Shoe Maker
Mary Harrison

John Harrison
25th February 1839
Charles Balnaves

Sarah Cole
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Spring Hill

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Spring Hill
Job Balnaves; Occupation - Cabinet Maker

Thomas Cole; Occupation - Horn ?
James Cole

Mary Ann Hill
28th February 1839
William Rennie

Susannah Parry
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Bridge Street, Carlisle

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Parade
Arthur Rennie; Occupation - Manufacturer

Thomas Sambridge; Occupation - Weaver
Phoebe Whitehouse

Daniel Whitehouse
14th March 1839
William Tilley

Martha Jones
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Silver Plate Worker; Abode - 67 Newtown Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 67 Newtown Row
Joseph Tilley; Occupation - Hair Dresser

Thomas Jones; Occupation - Carver & Gilder
Benj' Tilley

Ann Jones
20th March 1839
George Taylor

Elizabeth Lindon
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Malster; Abode - Ninevah

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ninevah
Robert Taylor; Occupation - Farmer

William Lindon; Occupation - Grocer
Phoebe Tayor

John Taylor
16th April 1839
James Booth

Mary Phillips Hodgkins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - actor; Abode - Springfield Cottages

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Springfield Cottages
John Booth; Occupation - Shoe Maker

John Phillips Hogkins; Occupation - Factor
? S Blount

Ann Eagleton

Hans Sloane
21st April 1839
John Greaves

Mary Ann Haynes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - 118 Gt Hampton Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 118 Gt Hampton Row
John Greaves; Occupation - Brewer

John Haynes; Occupation - Labourer
Sarah Haynes

James Haynes
29th April 1839
Benjamin Johnson

Charlotte Oakes
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Implement Maker; Abode - Handsworth

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Handsworth
William Johnson; Occupation - Oil Cloth Manufacturer

Thomas Oakes; Occupation - Engineer
Samuel Oakes

Ann Oakes
5th May 1839
Thomas Turvey

Mary Moody
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Maker; Abode - Winson Green

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Winson Green
John Turvey; Occupation - Glass Maker

Edward Moody; Occupation - Blacksmith
John Brews ?

Phoebe Turvey
14th May 1839
William Russell

Sarah Bourn
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Roller Maker; Abode - 16 Cottage Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 16 Grosvenor Street
Joseph Russell; Occupation - Nail Maker

John Bourn; Occupation - Garener
? ?

Phoebe Bates
20th May1839
Frederick Skelding

Jane Rebecca Parkes
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gold Beater; Abode - BridgeStreet

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bridge Street
Thomas Skelding; Occupation - Gun Finisher

Charles Parkes; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker
John ?

Sarah Newey
2nd June 1839
John Fellows

Elizabeth Gamble
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engraver; Abode - Pope Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pope Street
John Fellows; Occupation - Beer Seller

Thomas Gamble; Occupation - Spoon Dresser
George Sheldon

Lydia Gamble
23rd June 1839
James Martin Parkes

Hannah Fisher
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Plane Maker; Abode - 37 Staniforth Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 37 Staniforth Street
William Thomas Parkes; Occupation - Plane Maker

Abel Fisher; Occupation - Screw Manufacturer
William Cook

Ann Parkes
23rd June 1839
William Horton

Eliza Luckett
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - 67 Gt Charles Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 68 Hill Street
Daniel Horton; Occupation - Gold Cutter

Thomas Luckett; Occupation - Ivory & Bone Turner
Thomas Luckett

Louisa Horton
2nd July 1839
Thomas Shotton

Ann Child
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Inn Keeper; Abode - Warstone Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Warstone Lane
Robert Shotton; Occupation - Inn Keeper

Thomas Child; Occupation - Farmer
Thomas Child

Sarah Edwards
2nd July 1839
Thomas Child

Sarah Edwards
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Corn Dealer; Abode - 25 Camden Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 25 Camden Street
Thomas Child; Occupation - Farmer

John Edwards; Occupation - Farmer
Thomas Shotton

Ann Child
10th July 1839
James Hateley

Sarah Howes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Bilston

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Church Street
Joseph Hateley; Occupation - Blacksmith

William Howes; Occupation - Victualler
Jane Tibitts

William Titmus ?
15th July 1839
Samuel Manders

Ann Walton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Candlestick Maker; Abode - Birmingham Heath

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham Heath
Thomas Manders; Occupation - Butcher

Benjamin Walton; Occupation - Japanner
Jonas Gill

Maria Durning
28th July 1839
David Bradley

Rebecca Harris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Grinder; Abode - 47 Barford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 5 Ct, Floodgate Street
John Bradley; Occupation - Grinder

John Harris; Occupation - Spade Maker
Hannah Clift

Daniel Whitehouse
16th September 1839
Henry Truman

Hannah Blundell
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Whitesmith; Abode - Floodgate Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Floodgate Street
James Truman; Occupation - Whitesmith

William Blundell; Occupation - Bone Cutter, Turner
Elizabeth White

George White
22nd September 1839
Henry Hitchcock

Emily Perry
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Barrel Roller; Abode - Harborne

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 4 Regent Row
Hezekiah Hichcock; Occupation - Labourer

James Perry; Occupation - Metal Caster
Frederick Perry

Frances Jones
30th September 1839
John Jarvis

Emily Welch
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Surgeon; Abode - Handsworth

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Handsworth
Thomas Jarvis; Occupation - Surgeon

William Welch; Occupation - Surgeon
Phoebe Whitehouse

Daniel Whitehouse
30th September 1839
John Winn

Maria Reynolds
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Steel Toy Maker; Abode - 1 Ct, New Canal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 102 Weaman Street
John Winn; Occupation - Shoe Maker

Richard Reynolds; Occupation - Malt Mill Maker
? ?

7th October 1839
John Hyde

Maria Probert
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Handsworth

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Handsworth
Thomas Hyde; Occupation - Shoe Maker

John Probert; Occupation - Hair Dresser
James Field

Elizabeth Field
14th October 1839
George Jones

Mary Ann Blunt
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Surgeon; Abode - 76 BathStreet

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 31 Frederick Street
Edward Jones; Occupation - Builder

George Vernon Blunt; Occupation - Merchant
Francis Mason ?

Daniel Whitehouse
16th October 1839
John Allday

Sarah Walford
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Cheapside

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 49 Lichfield Street
Thomas Allday; Occupation - Victualler

John Cater; Occupation -
Eliza ?

John Lane
25th October 1839
James Stewart

Mary Martin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - 226 Horse Fair

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Handsworth
James Stewart; Occupation - Gardener

Arthur Martin; Occupation - Collier
Benjamin Broadhurst

Elizabeth Ingram
3rd December 1839
Charles Glanvill

Mary Ann Anstey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coach Spring Maker; Abode - 2 George Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 61 Lionel Street
Samuel Glanvill; Occupation - Sadler

John Anstey; Occupation - Chaser
Sarah Anstey

John Anstey
5th December 1839
Joseph Burns

Matilda Slater
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Blower; Abode - 1 Ryland Palce, Broad Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 17 Francis Street
John Burns; Occupation - Glass Blower

John Slater; Occupation - Collector
Esther ? Slater

John Slater
15th December 1839
Joseph Blundell

Mary Standley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Priory

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edgbaston
William Blundell; Occupation - Labourer

Richard Standley; Occupation -
George Lee

Susanna Lee
17th December 1839
William Walter Powell

Elizabeth Reece
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Holm Lacy, County of Hereford

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lodge Road
William Powell; Occupation - Tailor

George Reece; Occupation - Labourer
George Reece

Mary Reece
20th December 1839
John Williams

Elizabeth Morgan
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker; Abode - Camden Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 14 Bradford Street
Edward Williams; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker

John Morgan; Occupation - Whhelwright
Samuel Tearne ?

Mary Brettell
22nd December 1839
Isaac Margetts

Elizabeth Palmer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Friday ? Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Handsworth
Richard Margetts; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Barnsley; Occupation - Carpenter
John Simmonds

Ann Simmonds
24th December 1839
John Robinson

Mary Mills
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Toll Collector; Abode - Crescent Bridge

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 14 King Alfreds Place
Samuel Robinson; Occupation - Toll Collector

George Mills; Occupation - Sawyer
Caroline Thompson

Henry Robinson
26th December 1839
Henry James Hiatt

Isabella Turner
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Chronometer Maker; Abode - St Marks Row, Kensington

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 1 George Street Parade
Thomas Griffin Hiatt; Occupation - Locksmith

Thomas Davies; Occupation - Plumber & Glazier
Thos Davies

T G Hiatt
26th December 1839
John Pritchett

Maria Cotton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engineer; Abode - Winson Green

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lawley Street
John Pritchett; Occupation - Plumber & Glazier

Thomas Cotton; Occupation - Butcher
Benjamin Pritchett

Jane ?
2nd January 1840
George Bradbury

Seabra ? Moody
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Dartmouth Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dartmouth Street
George Bradbury; Occupation - Labourer

Edward Moody; Occupation - Blacksmith
? ?

Mary Turvey
8th January 1840
John Jones

Ann Harper
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - 10 Ct, GtHampton Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hereford
John Jones; Occupation - Carpenter

Thomas Harper; Occupation - Bailiff
David Jones

Ann Taylor
14th January 1840
Peter Allen

Mary Ann Ore
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gilt Toy Maker; Abode - 105 Warstone Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 105 Warstone Lane
Peter Allen; Occupation - Gun Maker

John Ore; Occupation - Button Maker
Maria Conison

Daniel Whitehouse
18th January 1840
Cornelius New

Sarah Asprey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Boatman; Abode - 3 Cottage Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 3 Cottage Lane
Thomas New; Occupation - Boatman

Thomas Asprey; Occupation - Brazier
Ann Car

Daniel Whitehouse
1st February 1840
John Leech

Lydia Nicklin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Glass Blower; Abode - Lower Camen Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 3 Carver Street
Benjamin Leech; Occupation - Glass Blower

Benjamin Nicklin; Occupation - Glass Blower
Benjamin Nicklin

George Scott
3rd February 1840
Thomas Jones

Uriah Cole
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gas Fitter; Abode - 2 Stewart Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 5 Stewart Street
James Jones; Occupation - Gas Fitter

Thomas Cole; Occupation - Comb Maker
Benjamin Smith

Elizabeth Tanner
16th February 1840
John Wright

Jane Burton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Ninevah

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lozells
James Wright; Occupation - Engineer

Emmanuel Burton; Occupation - Gardener
Thomas Cottrill

Elizabeth Burton
16th February 1840
William Dean

Ann Chambley
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - 2 Ct, Moseley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Birmingham Heath
Thomas Dean; Occupation - Bailiff

Francis Chambley; Occupation - Clockk Maker
Sarah Bobbins

Daniel Whitehouse
19th February 1840
William Hume

Emma Orme
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Silversmith; Abode - 10 Gt Hampton Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode -10 Gt Hampton Street
William Hume; Occupation - Tile Cutter

James Johnson; Occupation - Pocket Book Maker
Thomas Baker

Jane Tibbits
20th February 1840
Philip Shingler

Elizabeth Shelley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - 86 Hockley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 84 Moland Street
John Shingler; Occupation - Soldier

Charles Shelley; Occupation - Farmer
Elizabeth Emery

Daniel Whitehouse
20th February 1840
John Stirk

Mary Jefferies
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Victualler; Abode - Wolverhampton

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 8 Regent Parade
NathanStirk; Occupation - Cooper

Thomas Titterton; Occupation - Smith
Lucy ?

James Smith
14th April 1840
Major Brindley

Mary Louisa James
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Sadler; Abode - 46 Frederick Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 34 Dale End
Henry Brindley; Occupation - Sadler

John James; Occupation - Pork Butcher
John James

Joseph Cooper
17th April 1840
William Gregory

Mary Jackson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Cheapside

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Grosvenor Place
Edward Gregory; Occupation - Gardener

John Jackson; Occupation - Farmer
Ann Smith

Samuel Cheshire
20th April 1840
John Glover

Hannah Bant
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Polisher; Abode - 4 Ct Lombard Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 4 Ct Lombard Street
Daniel Glover; Occupation - Polisher

John Bant; Occupation - Wood Turner
William Docker

Maria Docker
20th April 1840
William Thomas

Martha Lashford
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Lamp Maker; Abode - 2 Grosvenor Street West

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 30 Swallow Street
William Thomas; Occupation - Lamp Maker

John Lashford; Occupation - Farmer
Hannah Johnson

Reuben Johnson
4th May 1840
Thomas Jinks

Caroline Cole
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - 9 Stewart Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - 5 Stewart Street
Thomas Jinks; Occupation - Gas Maker

Thomas Cole; Occupation - Comb Maker
Thomas Jones

Eliza York
10th May 1840
Henry Dodd

Charlotte Hanson
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Polisher; Abode - Jennings Row

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Aston Road
Henry Dodd; Occupation - Farmer

Edward Hanson; Occupation - Boatman
William ?

Mary coates
17th May 1840
Darby Cunningham

Catherine Riley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Howard Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Howard Street
Darby Cunningham; Occupation - Weaver

James Rieley; Occupation - Labourer
James Melvin

Alicia Mathews
17th May 1840
James Evans

Elizabeth Peers
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Gun Smith; Abode - Gib Heath

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Gib Heath
Thomas Evans; Occupation - Locksmith

Joseph Whorrall; Occupation - Glass Blower
Joseph Bird

Sarah Bird
18th May 1840
George Gibbons

Sylvia Harper
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Confectioner; Abode - 38 Old Inleys

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 5 Essington Street
Charles Gibbons; Occupation - Button Burnisher

Stephen Harper; Occupation - Glass Blower
Charlotte Fellows ?

Daniel Whitehouse
25th May 1840
Thomas Brown

Mary Ann Holland
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gilt Toy Maker; Abode - 11 Skinner Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 11 Skinner Street
Thomas Brown; Occupation - Cabinet Maker

John Davis; Occupation - Shoe Maker
John Wellings

Sarah Wellings ?
31st May 1840
James Page

Mary Chapman
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Coach Smith; Abode - 3 Constitution Hill

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 3 Constitution Hill
William Page; Occupation - Caster

Philip Chapman; Occupation - Tailor
William Webb

Elizabeth Webb
2nd June 1840
Alfred Skidmore Robothan

Jane Breese
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Factors Clerk; Abode - Vittoria Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Caroline Street
John Robothan; Occupation - Plater

Thomas Breese; Occupation - Glass Cutter
Joseph Dukes

Harriett Breese
15th Jue 1840
Richard Breese

Elizabeth Lewis
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Cordwainer; Abode - 41 Moor Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lower Lodge
John Breese; Occupation - Gardener

Martin Lewis; Occupation - Boar Builder
Martha ?

George Rutter
19th July 1840
George Parker

Mary A Clift
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Lamp Maker; Abode - 6 Ct, Warstone Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 54 Bread Street
Henry Parker; Occupation - Brass Caster

James Clift; Occupation - Horse Dealer
Mary Vickers

Thomas Vickers
27th July 1840
John George Woodfield

Maria Bastock
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Manchester Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Manchester Street
Richard Woodfield; Occupation - Stone Mason

William Bastock; Occupation - Sawyer
William Birch

Caroline Beere ?
27th July 1840
Hery Stark

Elizabeth Howarth
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Maker; Abode - Church Street

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Brearley Street
William Stark; Occupation - Lamp Maker

Richard Howard; Occupation - Hatter
Robert Yates

Sarah Yates
27th July 1846
Joseph Beards

Caroline Phillips
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Shoe Maker; Abode - Broad Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Suffolk Street
John Beards; Occupation - Brazier

Benjamin Phillips; Occupation - Bayonet Maker
William White

Ann Beards
5th August 1840
Frederick Edward Hobson

Mary Bagnall
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Merchant; Abode - Resevoir Road, Edgbaston

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Springfield Terrace
Edward Hobson; Occupation - Merchant

Edward Bagnall; Occupation - Mining Engieer
? ?

Ann ? Bagnall
10th August 1840
Abraham Trow

Sarah Barney
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Wood Turner; Abode - 112 Tower Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - 9 Tower Street
Thomas Trow; Occupation - Rope Maker

John Barber; Occupation - Patent Sash Maker
John Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor
16th August 1840
John Tyers

Elizabeth Spires
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Winson Green

Minor; Spinster; Abode - Winson Green
William Tyers; Occupation - Carpenter

John Spires; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Spires

Jane Clark
26th August 1840
Benjamin Powell

Sarah Ely
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Tindal Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Parade
Jonathan Powell; Occupation - Farmer

William Ely; Occupation - Shoe Maker
James Berrow

Mary Ann ?
30th August 1840
Ewin Armfield

Caroline Watkins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Maker; Abode - Hunters Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hunters Lane
Charles Armfield; Occupation - Snuffer Maker

Thomas Watkins; Occupation - Victualler
C Armfield

? Armfield
13th September 1840
Samuel Bunce

Mary Bunce
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Summer Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Snow Hill
Joseph Bunce; Occupation - Labourer

Samuel Morris; Occupation - Labourer
Ann Pitman

Daniel Whitehouse
3rd October 1840
Joseph Johnson

Sarah Woodcock
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker; Abode - Steelhouse Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Steelhouse Lane
Joseph Johnson; Occupation - Gun Lock Forger

Edward Woodcock; Occupation - Plater
Lucy Pimley

William Neal
5th October 1840
John Wharton

Harriet Hicks
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - 140 Paradise Row

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 28 Paradise Row
Richard Wharton; Occupation - Plater

Thomas Hicks; Occupation - Brass Founder
Thomas Hicks

Sarah Walker
18th October 1840
Joseph Watton

Mary Ann Rose
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gold Beater; Abode - Henage Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Tower Street
Joseph Watton; Occupation - Servant

Henry Rose; Occupation - Scabbara Maker
Francis Rose

Jane ?
21st October 1840
Frederick Pimm

Mary Walker
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wood Turner; Abode - Carver Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 1 Graham Street
John Pimm; Occupation - Publican

Ezekiel Foxall; Occupation - Farmer
John Pimm

Hannah Pettifer
3rd November 1840
Thomas Bulpit

Sarah Lancaster
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Servant; Abode - Broad Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Livery Street
Thomas Bulpit; Occupation - Farmer

Thomas Lancaster; Occupation - Clerk
Catherine ?

Daniel Whitehouse
20th December 1840
John Wormlayton

Jane Lea
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Swallow Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cox Street
John Wormlayton; Occupation - Steel Filer

William Lea; Occupation - Gold Cutter
William Lea

Ann Lea
20th December 1840
Arthur Martin

Caroline Stott
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Striker; Abode - Winson Green

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Winson Green
Arthur Martin; Occupation - Miner

Jesse Stott; Occupation - Puddler
William Martin

Meriah Martin
20th December 1840
John Pope

Maria Hicks
Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Hockley Hill

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hockley
John Pope; Occupation - Labourer

Thomas Hicks; Occupation - Labourer
Francis Hughes

Daniel Whitehouse
22nd December 1840
Joseph Wolley

Ann Fisher Tandy
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Packer; Abode - Russell Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Russell Street
Joseph Woolley; Occupation - Carpenter

William Tandy; Occupation - Carman
Chrsitian ? Sarah Child

Wm Tandy
27th December 1840
Edward Beard

Mary Stanley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Iron Shearer; Abode - Rawmarsh in the County o York

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - 30 Gt Hampton Street
Nathaniel Beard; Occupation - Tin Plate Roller

John Stanley; Occupation - Landlords Agent
A? Stanley

? Stanley
30th December 1840
George East

Sarah Gold
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Barker Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Edgbaston
George East; Occupation - Traveller

Thomas Gold; Occupation - Farmer
John White

Sarah Tibbitts
31st December 1840
Luke Bostock

Ann Hastelow
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Higham, Leicestershire

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Nuneaton
John Bostock; Occupation - Butcher

Thomas Hastelow; Occupation - Publican
Samuel Bostock

Hannah Bostock