St Andrews, Bordesley, Aston, Marriages 1851

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
5th January 1851
Isaac Bradnack

Charlotte Palmer Bailey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Brick Trade; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Isaac Bradnack; Occupation – Malster

Richard Bailey; Occupation - Gardener
Joseph Bradnack

Hannah Tunstall
9th January 1851
Thomas Vellers

Elizabeth Davies
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Paper Trade; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Joseph Vellers; Occupation – Farmer

John Davies; Occupation - Carpenter
William Davies

Mary Ann Hinks
9th January 1851
Charles Buswell

Elizabeth Bithell
Age Full; Widower; Occupation – Clerk; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Buswell; Occupation – Farmer

John Wells; Occupation - Smith
Thomas ?

? Buswell
20th January 1851
Thomas Bellamy

Rosannah Burns
Age Full; Widower; Occupation – Wire Worker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Bellamy; Occupation – Wire Worker

Andrew Dunn; Occupation - Basket Maker
Emmanuel Wigley

Elizabeth Cooper
21st January 1851
John Tomkins

Elizabeth Minor
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Iron Founder; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Joseph Tomkins; Occupation – Shoemaker

Thomas Minor; Occupation - Publisher
Alfred Lester ?

Ann Minor
27th January 1851
Lawrence Glover

Mary Ann Fitter
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – ?; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Glover; Occupation – ?

Thomas Fitter; Occupation - Painter
Thomas Fitter

Mary Ann Fitter
3rd February 1851
William Knowles

Ann Mottram
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Brass Founder; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Richard Knowles; Occupation – Snuffer Maker

James Mottram; Occupation - Brick Maker
Thomas Mottram

Charlotte Clerk
17th February 1851
Henry Jones

Harriet Purser
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Cord; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Jones; Occupation – Sawyer

Charles James Purser; Occupation - ?
Charles James Purser

Mary Purser
2nd March 1851
George Thomas

Jane Ann Thomas
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Garden Tool Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Edward Thomas; Occupation – Garden Tool Maker

Frederick Handel Thomas; Occupation - Coach Smith
Frederick Harold Thomas

Sarah Hunt ?
9th March 1851
George Lewis

Hannah Chilton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Engine Driver; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Lewis Lewis; Occupation – Engine Driver

William Chilton; Occupation - Miner
Thomas Tonks

Rebecca Tonks
10th March 1851
Thomas Bailey

Mary Eliza Lane
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Policeman; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Bailey; Occupation – Labourer

John Lane; Occupation - Carman
John Lane

Emma Lane
10th March 1851
John Fellows

Maria Ashford
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Brick Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Fellows; Occupation – Blacksmith

Joseph Ashford; Occupation - Wire Drawer
William Adams

Ann Fellows
17th March 1851
John Hall

Sarah Down
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Grinder; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Hall; Occupation – Bell Hanger

Thomas Down; Occupation - Shoemaker
Henry Houlding

Eliza Houlding
18th March 1851
Andrew Thomas Butnell

Ellen Harris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Butcher; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Butnell; Occupation – Inn Keeper

John Harris; Occupation - Toolmaker
Emma Bird

Emma Blockley
20th March 1851
Richard Hudson

Charlotte Camilla Hutton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Currier; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Richard Hudson; Occupation – Currier

Richard Musgrove; Occupation - Draper
Emmanuel Wigley

Elizabeth Robinson
19th April 1851
George Thomson Herbert

Ann Trenfield
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – School Master; Abode - ?

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St Andrews Parish
George Herbert; Occupation – Grocer

Richard Trenfield; Occupation - Smith
Richard Trenfield, Elizabeth Wade

Elizabeth Trenfield
21st April 1851
Joseph Hill

Eliza Anderton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Fitter; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Samuel Hill; Occupation – Labourer

George Anderton; Occupation - Labourer
William Ashford

Amelia Griffiths
21st April 1851
George Warner

Susanna Waring
Age Full; Widower; Occupation – Toolmaker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Warner; Occupation – Tool Maker

Robert Smith; Occupation - Farmer
Hannah Bradshaw

Richard Bradshaw
28th April 1851
Jonathan Freeman

Hephzabah Nicklin Mayo
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Clerk; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Freeman; Occupation – Attorney

Joseph Mayo; Occupation - Tool Maker
? Mayo

Eliza Wright
29th April 1851
Joseph Wilcox

Elizabeth Robinson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Labourer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Robert Wilcox; Occupation – Labourer

Edward Robinson; Occupation - Rule Maker
Peter Robinson

Lucy Hitchcocks
7th May 1851
Thomas Hughes

Harriet Cooksey
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Bricklayer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Hughes; Occupation – Bricklayer

Thomas Cooksey; Occupation - Brush Maker
Henry Richards

Isabella Rainbird
12th May 1851
George Pretty

Eliza Williams
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Metal Roller; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Pretty; Occupation – Metal Carter ?

Thomas Williams; Occupation - Wire Drawer
Thomas Williams

Susannah Williams
12th May 1851
Job Haywood

Ann Cook
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Brewer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Haywood; Occupation – Stone Mason

Edward Cook; Occupation - Stone Mason
George Mankes

Mary Mankes
16th May 1851
William Jones

Rebecca Carter
Age Full; Widower; Occupation – Tracer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Jones; Occupation – Cordwainer

William Carter; Occupation - Glazier
Emmanuel Wigley

Elizabeth Collett
3rd June 1851
James Pritchett

Syntyche Horton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Labourer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Pritchett; Occupation – Gardener

John Horton; Occupation - Malster
Emmanuel Wigley

Syntyche Horton
14th June 1851
William Webster

Maria Lund
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Chain Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Webster; Occupation – Chain Maker

Samuel Lund; Occupation - Bit Filer
Samuel Williams

Harriet Peace
16th June 1851
William Cleaver

Anne Wall
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Plane ? Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Cleaver; Occupation – Brick Maker

John Wall; Occupation - Labourer
John Wall

Mary Attwood
18th June 1851
Frederick Johnson Egerton

Eliza Stokes
Age Full; Widower; Occupation – Wine Merchant; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Egerton; Occupation – Inn Keeper

James Stokes; Occupation - Jeweller
Stephen Meredith

Mary Ann Stokes
7th July 1851
Thomas Clarke

Emma Morris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Clerk; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Clarke; Occupation – Builder

Henry Morris; Occupation - Cab Driver
Josiah Austin

Elizabeth Robinson
10th July 1851
James Marston

Mary Felton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Cord; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Marston; Occupation – Weaver

William Felton; Occupation - Farmer
Henry Riley

Ellen Riley
4th August 1851
James Johnson

Ann Cox
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Horse Keeper; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
James Johnson; Occupation – Labourer

George Cox; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Smith

Harriet Dowell
18th August 1851
Albert Jacques

Ann Dudley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Rope; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Edward Jaques; Occupation – Rope

Thomas Dudley; Occupation - Engine Driver
William Evans

Louisa Evans
18th August 1851
William Wild

Mary Davis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Cabinet Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
George Wild; Occupation – Wheelwright

John Davis; Occupation - Labourer
Amos Wild

Elizabeth Wild
22nd September 1851
John Hallam

Ellen Pickering
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Labourer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Hallam; Occupation – Labourer

John Pickering; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Pickering

Mary Ann Grimley
22nd September 1851
Samuel Brueton

Elizabeth Moulton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Gun Trade; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Brueton; Occupation – Stamper

Joseph Moulton; Occupation - Thimble Trade
John Brueton

Ann Brueton
29th September 1851
Thomas Smith

Elizabeth Oxford
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Button Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Robert Smith; Occupation – Collier

Charles Oxford; Occupation - Chandelier Maker
Christopher Stafford

Mary Stafford
29th September 1851
James Day

Mary Westbury
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Gun Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Samuel Day; Occupation – Smith

Thomas Westbury; Occupation - Snuffer Maker
Joseph Jackson

Ann Jackson
13th October 1851
Henry David Jeffries

Emma Franklin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Lamp Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
David Jeffries; Occupation – Bridle Maker

Richard Franklin; Occupation - Carpenter
Richard Franklin

Mary Franklin
13th October 1851
William Colledge

Louisa Jennings
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Shoemaker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
James Colledge; Occupation – Labourer

George Jennings; Occupation - Shoemaker
James Jennings

Caroline Small
20th October 1851
James Bushell

Ann Brierley
Age Full; Widower; Occupation – Gun ?; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Widw; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Bushell; Occupation – Steel Trade

Obediah Brierley; Occupation - Steel Trade
George Burnett

Martha Brierley
26th October 1851
Edward Clifford

Jane Palmer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – ?; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Occupation – Servant; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Clifford; Occupation – Turpentine Manufacturer

Thomas Palmer; Occupation - Cordwianer
Edward Warren

Elizabeth Hyde
28th October 1851
William Jackson

Eliza Gould
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Hop Dealer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Widow; Abode - St Andrews Parish
John Jackson; Occupation – Malster

William Parkes; Occupation - Spade Manufacturer
Emmanuel Wigley

Elizabeth Robinson
9th November 1851
James Mills

Mary Gupwell
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Groom; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Occupation – Servant; Abode - St Andrews Parish
David Mills; Occupation – Labourer

Charles Gupwell; Occupation - Gardener
David Mills

Lucy Mills
10th November 1851
Joseph Spencer

Mary Sanders
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Labourer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Spencer; Occupation – Labourer

Thomas Sanders; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Spencer

Elizabeth Spencer
17th November 1851
William Freeman George

Betsey Gilbert
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Coppersmith; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas George; Occupation – Cruet ? Maker

Matthew Gilbert; Occupation - Blacksmith
John Gilbert

Mary George
17th November 1851
James Grub

Mary Ann Underhill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Servant; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Samuel Grubb; Occupation – Carpenter

John Underhill; Occupation - ?
Cornelius Penton

Mary Underhill
29th November 1851
Samuel Mills

Elizabeth Jones
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Commercial Traveller; Abode - ? Salop

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Joseph Mills; Occupation – Inn Keeper

Edward Jones; Occupation - Gentleman
Edward Jones, ? Lowe

Ellenor Hughes ?
23rd December 1851
Edwin John Bott

Elinor Leses Ketley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Pearl Button Maker; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Charles John Bott; Occupation – Farmer

William Ketley; Occupation - Snuffer Maker
William Lees Ketley

Sarah Ann Ketley
25th December 1851
Richard Giffiths

Elizabeth Gillver
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Cordwainer; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Elijah Griffiths; Occupation – Cordwainer

James Gilliver; Occupation - Chair Maker
William Hinton

Elizabeth hinton
25th December 1851
Joseph Chatwin

Eliza Nickolls
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Blacksmith; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Chatwin; Occupation – Jobbing Smith

David Nickolls; Occupation - Brickmake
Joseph White

Mary White
27th December 1851
Samuel Bloomer

Emma Rebecca Girling
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Brass Founder; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
Thomas Bloomer; Occupation – Brass Founder

Lionel Girling; Occupation - Commercial Clerk
Joseph Bagnall

Rebecca Biddall
31st December 1851
John Beards

Sarah Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Brass; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Beards; Occupation – Locksmith

Robert Woolley; Occupation - Tin Trade
George Nickin

Catherine Smith
31st December 1851
George Porter

Sarah Freer
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – Servant; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
William Porter; Occupation – Labourer

John Freer; Occupation - Labourer
Henry Freer

Mary Freer

Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation – .; Abode - St Andrews Parish

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - St Andrews Parish
.; Occupation – .

.; Occupation - .
