Holy Trinity, Bordesley, Aston, Marriages 1866

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
1st January 1866
Edwin Showell

Emma Mary Bayliss
Age 30, Bachelor, Occupation - Accountants Clerk; Abode - Krywicks Lane

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - Adderley Street
Charles Showell; Occupation - Japanner

Thomas Bayliss; Occupation - Brass Founder
Thomas Richard Bayliss

Mary Page
2nd January 1866
William John Sheath

Sarah Jane Hartley
Age 23, Bachelor, Occupation - Mechants Clerk; Abode - Camp Hill

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Camp Hill
Henry Sheath; Occupation - ? Cutter

John Hartley; Occupation - Engineer
George Sheath

Catherine Bailey
8th January 1866
Charles Brooks

Elizabeth Burn
Age 23, Bachelor, Occupation - Machinist; Abode - Moseley Road

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Road
Charles Brooks; Occupation - Bricklayer

Thomas Burn; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker
Thomas Burn

Amelia Huband
11th January 1866
Robert William Johnson

Sarah Anne Waters
Age 52, Bachelor, Occupation - Clerk in Holy Orders; Abode - Packwood

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Bradford Street, Bordesley
William Johnson; Occupation - ?

George Waters; Occupation - Shepherd
Edward Smith

James Waters
21st January 1866
Thomas Kellam

Elizabeth Oldfield
Age 26, Bachelor, Occupation - Plumber; Abode - Henley Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Thomas Kellam; Occupation - General Dealer

Edward Oldfield; Occupation - Painter
Edward Oldfield

Jane Shattleworth
21st January 1866
Samuel Allen

Eliza Thompson
Age 24, Widower, Occupation - Warehouseman; Abode - Warwick Street

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Warwick Street
John Allen; Occupation - Carrier

Henry Thompson; Occupation - Brass Founder
John Tilt

? Spencer
22nd January 1866
George Elton

Harriet Fantham
Age 22, Bachelor, Occupation - Brewer; Abode - Warner Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Adderley Street
Charles Elton; Occupation - Licenced Victualler

Joseph Fantham; Occupation - Coal Dealer
Edwin Arnett

Caroline Arnett
1st February 1866
George Tallis

Eliza Hill
Age 32, Bachelor, Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Darwin Street

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Highgate
John Tallis; Occupation - Bricklayer

Joseph Hill; Occupation - Steward
Edward Tallis

Annie Hill
5th February 1866
John Saice

Sarah Ann Hook
Age 20, Bachelor, Occupation - Railway Porter; Abode - Bradford Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Alcester Street
Thomas Saice; Occupation - Labourer

William Hook; Occupation - Railway Porter
John Whitehouse

Charlotte Burkesfield?
18th February 1866
Daniel George Pegg

Eliza Ann Severn
Age 21, Bachelor, Occupation - Painter; Abode - Sandy Lane

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Sandy Lane
William Pegg; Occupation - Weaver

Thomas Severn; Occupation - Groom
Charles Allen

Sarah Ann Whitehouse
18th February 1866
James Finnemore

Mary Ann Vale
Age 22, Bachelor, Occupation - Fender Moulder; Abode - High Street

Age 21; Spinster; Occupation - Screw Maker; Abode - High Street
Francis Finnemore; Occupation - Brass Founder

James Vale; Occupation - Wire Drawer
John Haynes

Harriet Marks
4th March 1866
Samuel Woodley

Maria Jones
Age 26, Bachelor, Occupation - Coppersmith; Abode - Camp Hill

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - High Street
Samuel Woodley; Occupation - Coppersmith

John Jones; Occupation - Tailor
John Jones

Rebecca ?
10th March 1866
Joseph William Cheshire

Harriet Meadows
Age 23, Bachelor, Occupation - Printer; Abode - Highgate Place

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Place
Jesse Cheshire; Occupation - Carrier

Henry Meadows; Occupation - Coal Agent
Henry Meadows

Mary Ann Dutton
11th March 1866
John Cartman

Eliza Gordan
Age 32, Bachelor, Occupation - Furnaceman; Abode - Stratford Road

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
Robert Cartman; Occupation - Smelter

Peter Gordan; Occupation - Shoemaker
George Thompson

Ellen Gordan
1st April 1866
John Robbins

Emma Hill
Age 25, Bachelor, Occupation - Gasman; Abode - High Street, Deritend

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - High Street, Deitend
John Robbins; Occupation - Gardener

William Hill; Occupation - Catler
Charles White

Susan White
2nd April 1866
Thomas Cook

Maria Griffiths
Age 34, Bachelor, Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Warwick Street

Age 28; Widow; Abode - Bond Street
Samuel Cook; Occupation - Watchman

William Wilkinson; Occupation - Rule Maker
George Griffiths

Sarah Griffiths
2nd April 1866
William Davies

Mary Ann Russell
Age 24, Bachelor, Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Moseley Road

Age 25; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Road
Joseph Davies; Occupation - Chandelier Maker

Thomas Edwin Russell; Occupation - Gun Engraver
James Danks

Amelia Danks
4th April 1866
Augustus Henry Paxton

Charlotte Davies
Age 26, Bachelor, Occupation - Hair Dresser; Abode - Camp Hill

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Hingeton on Thames, Surrey
William Paxton; Occupation - Baker

Samuel Davies; Occupation - Hair Dresser
Benjamin Holmey

Caroline Mary Davies
22nd April 1866
Richard Belcher

Sarah Radburn
Age 23, Bachelor, Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Lower Trinity Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Lower Trinity Street
Robert Belcher; Occupation - Labourer

Michael Radburn; Occupation - Labourer
Charles Radburn

Jane Willer ?
29th April 1866
John Foster

Martha Deakin
Age 22, Bachelor, Occupation - Baker; Abode - Bradford Street

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - Bradford Street
John Foster; Occupation - Farmer

John Deakin; Occupation - Painter
Henry Vale

Emma Deakin
29th April 1866
William Tilson Thompson

Margaret Louisa Smart
Age 23, Bachelor, Occupation - Warehouseman; Abode - Sandy Lane

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Sandy Lane
Christopher Thompson; Occupation - Confectioner

John Smart; Occupation - Cooper
John Danks

Susannah Reynolds Danks
13th May 1866
Joseph Orgill

Jane Harris
Age 25, Bachelor, Occupation - Railway Clerk; Abode - Dymock Street

Age 33; Spinster; Occupation - Provision Dealer; Abode - Dymock Street
Thomas Orgill; Occupation - Sub Contractor

Richard Harris; Occupation - Inn Keeper
William Orgill

Sarah ? Orgill
16th May 1866
Thomas Martin

Gertrude Elizabeth Bradley Rumley
Age 38, Bachelor, Occupation - Merchants Clerk; Abode - Camp Hill

Age 27; Spinster; Abode - Camp Hill
Thomas Martin; Occupation - Blacking Maker

Henry Rumley; Occupation - Architect
C. F. Rumley

Adeliade Rumley
21st May 1866
John Blizard

Mary Haskey
Age 21, Bachelor, Occupation - Gas Chandelier Maker; Abode - Moseley Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Street
Thomas Blizard; Occupation - Brush Maker

Samuel Haskey; Occupation - Fire Iron Maker
Thomas Blizard

Rebecca ?
24th May 1866
Charles Harwood

Fanny Giles
Age 30, Bachelor, Occupation - Publican; Abode - Vaughton Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Vaughton Street
George Harwood; Occupation - Labourer

Robert Giles; Occupation - Bricklayer
Richard Giles

Mary Ann Jury ?
27th May 1866
Matthew Henry Dingley

Sarah Ann Hodson
Age 21, Bachelor, Occupation - Die Sinker; Abode - Bradford Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Bradford Street
Thomas Dingley; Occupation - Jeweller

George Hodson; Occupation - Managing Clerk
Alfred Dingley

Sarah Dingley
9th June 1866
George Whittle

Adelia Bartlom
Age 50, Widower, Occupation - Gentleman; Abode - Bradford Street

Age 33; Widow; Abode - Bradford Street
Joseph Whittle; Occupation - Gentleman

Joseph Wiggett; Occupation - Japanner
William Whittle

Emily Nancy Whittle
10th June 1866
Thomas Jackman

Emma Bowyer
Age 21, Bachelor, Occupation - Railway Porter; Abode - Camp Hill

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Camp Hill
John Jackman; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Bowyer; Occupation - Warehouseman
Thomas Dunn

Mary Jennings
24th June 1866
Thomas William Jordan

Annie Berrell
Age 21, Bachelor, Occupation - Metal Worker; Abode - Upper Trinity Street

Age 21; Spinster; Abode - Upper Trinity Street
William Jordan; Occupation - Engine Driver

Charles Berrell; Occupation - Gardener
Richard Billingsley

Emma Berrell
18th August 1866
Samuel Frederick Horsey

Elizabeth Blakesley Lambley
Age Full, Widowe, Occupation - Merchant; Abode - St Andrews, Bordesley

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holy Trinity, Bordesley
Joseph Horsey; Occupation - Merchant

James Lambley; Occupation - Gentleman
Abraham Lambley

Anne ? Lambley
26th August 1866
Edward Bradbury

Ann Warwick
Age 31, Bachelor, Occupation - Cabinet Maker; Abode - Main Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Robert Bradbury; Occupation - Milkman

Isaac Knowles; Occupation - Iron Founder
John Plaston

Mary Warwick
26th August 1866
John Hunt

Eliza Cooper
Age 24, Bachelor, Occupation - Horse Hair Manufacturer; Abode - Highgate

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Highgate
Robert Hunt; Occupation - Labourer

William Cooper; Occupation - Labourer
Edward Woodward

Mary Ann Woodward
26th August 1866
Horatio George Purkis

Annie Townsend
Age 20, Bachelor, Occupation - Light Porter; Abode - Vaughton Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Vaughton Street
George Purkis; Occupation - Publican

James Townsend; Occupation - Coal Merchant
John Woodland

Maria Tankard Hallabrook ?
5th September 1866
George Handley

Mary Ann Collins
Age 27, Bachelor, Occupation - Mill Stone Maker; Abode - High Street, Bordesley

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - High Street, Bordesley
Richard Handley; Occupation - Mill Stone Maker

James Collins; Occupation - Commercial Traveller
William Jenkins

Mary Jennings
26th September 1866
Samuel Evans

Eliza Evans
Age 33, Widower, Occupation - Smith; Abode - Angelina Street

Age 41; Spinster; Abode - Angelina Street
William Henry Evans; Occupation - Shiwright

Charles Evans; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Baker

Jane Taylor
3rd October 1866
Thomas Cantrell

Hannah Pitt
Age Full, Widower, Occupation - Builder; Abode - Camp Hill

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Camp Hill
Charles Cantrell; Occupation - Stone Mason

Thomas Hunt; Occupation - Clothier
Charles Hunt

Susannah Hunt
8th October 1866
Thomas Obediah Robbins

Louisa Eleanor Eddins
Age 23, Bachelor, Occupation - Silversmith; Abode - Adderley Street

Age 22; Spinster; Abode - Adderley Street
John Robbins; Occupation - Gardener

Henry Eddins; Occupation - Malster
Henry ?

Mary ?
14th October 1866
Henry Hall

Eliza Hughes
Age 31, Bachelor, Occupation - Coach Builder; Abode - Bradford Street

Age 24; Spinster; Abode - Bradford Street
Henry Hall; Occupation - Silver Plater

Benjamin Hughes; Occupation - Grocer
Charles Bond

Emily Bond
14th October 1866
John Hill

Eliza Warwick
Age 21, Bachelor, Occupation - Jeweller; Abode - Main Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
John Hill; Occupation - Blacksmith

Isaac Warwick; Occupation - Iron Moulder
William Warwick

Jane Warwick
22nd October 1866
Alfred John Bates

Ann Marsh
Age 30, Bachelor, Occupation - Market Gardener; Abode - Sutton Coldfield

Age 30; Spinster; Abode - Mole Street
John Bates; Occupation - Sawyer

James Marsh; Occupation - ? Hand Maker
James Marsh

Dorothy Wild
28th October 1866
Thomas Cartwright

Emma Bond
Age 27, Bachelor, Occupation - Iron Founder; Abode - Green Lane

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Coventry Road
John Cartwright; Occupation - Iron Founder

John Bond; Occupation - Malster
John Bond

Jane Bond
28th October 1866
Arthur Llewellyn

Emily Andrews
Age Full, Bachelor, Occupation - Tailor; Abode - 33 Lowe Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lowe Street
Edwin Llewellyn; Occupation - Coal Merchant

William Andrews; Occupation - Gentleman
Richard Morris

Mary Hulse
28th October 1866
Richard Morris

Mary Hulse
Age 56, Widower, Occupation - Agent; Abode - Lowe Street

Age 56; Widow; Abode - Lowe Street
John Morris; Occupation - Farmer

George ?; Occupation - Corn Dealer
Arthur ?

Emily Andrews
15th November 1866
Joseph Grantham

Sarah James
Age 49, Widower, Occupation - Collector; Abode - Upper Trinity Street

Age 48; Spinster; Abode - Upper Trinity Street
Henry Grantham; Occupation - Tanner

John James; Occupation - Labourer
John Bartlam

Maria James
5th December 1866
James Fardon

Mary Harris
Age Full, Widower, Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Bradford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bradford Street
John Fardon; Occupation - Farmer

George Harris; Occupation - Carpet Weaver
Thomas Barker

Sarah ?
11th December 1866
Willia Cadd

Elizabeth Halford
Age 40, Bachelor, Occupation - Manager; Abode - Dale End

Age 35; Spinster; Abode - Highgate
Thomas Cadd; Occupation - Malster

William Halford; Occupation - Surveyor
George Halford

Emma Halford
24th December 1866
John Thane ? Watkins

Emma Jane Smith
Age Full, Bachelor, Occupation - Milkman; Abode - Cheapside

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Cheapside
James Watkins; Occupation - Railway Guard

James Smith; Occupation - Hatter
William Way ?

Mary Elizabeth ?
24th December 1866
Thomas Harris

Ann Wilkes
Age 33, Bachelor, Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Dymock Street

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Dymock Street
Thomas Harris; Occupation - Baker

Henry Wilkes; Occupation - Farm Bailiff
Thomas Bryan

Harriet Denchfield
29th December 1866
Alfred Edwin Parish

Amelia Billingsley
Age 25, Bachelor, Occupation - Jeweller; Abode - Bradford Street

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Camp Hill
David Parish; Occupation - Brass Founder

Richard Billingsley; Occupation - Brass Founder
Richard Billingsley

Selina Billingsley

Age Full, Bachelor, Occupation - .; Abode - .

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - .
.; Occupation - .

.; Occupation - .
