Christchurch, Sparkbrook, Aston Marriages 1868 to 1870

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Please remember they are only transcriptions and it is always best to verify the information by looking at the original. The transcriptions on this website are to help you in your own personal research and not for commericial purposes.

Father & Occupation
9th January 1868
Edward Hickman Tye

Hannah Amelia Corns
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Accountant; Abode - Alfred Street, Sparkbrook

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Alfred Street, Sparkbrook
Thomas Tye (Deceased); Occupation - Revenue Officer

James Corns; Occupation - Clerk
? James Corns

Amelia Tye

Alma Tye

William Henry Corns
26th January 1868
William Henry Platt

Anne Elliott Roddis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Publican; Abode - Pershore Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Pershire Road
Henry Platt; Occupation - Publican

James Roddis (Deceased); Occupation - Farmer
William Howe

Elizabeth Howe
15th February 1868
Thomas Rushton

Esther Rushton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Leopold Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - ? Street
Thomas Rushton; Occupation - Brass Founder

William Rushton; Occupation - Brass Founder
William Rushton

Elizabeth Rushton
2nd March 1868
William Shuter

Emma Jelves
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Spark Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spark Street
William Shuter; Occupation - Carpenter

William Jelves; Occupation - Sunder ?
WIlliam Howe

Elizabeth Jelves
13th April 1868
Richard Burnett

Ann Nash
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Main ? Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Main ? Street
John Burnett (Deceased); Occupation - Carpenter

Farmer C?? (Deceased); Occupation - Labourer
James Ford

Mary Williams
13th April 1868
William Keene

Emily Corner
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wire Drawer; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
John Keene; Occupation - Brick Maker

James Corner; Occupation - Canvasser
Samuel Hawkins

Harriet Hawkins
13th April 1868
Henry LLoyd

Eliza Foster
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Plumbers Brass Worker; Abode - Turner Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
Thomas Lloyd; Occupation - Locksmith

Thomas Foster; Occupation - Brewer
George William Wheeler

Harriet Wheeler
13th April 1868
James Jackson

Eliza Nicholls
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Maker; Abode - Stratford Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Street
James Jackson (Deceased); Occupation - Printer

Samuel Nicholls; Occupation - Brewer
Obadiah William Amos

Louisa Amos
10th May 1868
Charles Jones

Rebecca Embley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bedstead Fitter; Abode - Ladypool Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Camp Hill
John Jones (Deceased); Occupation - Tailor

Richard Embley; Occupation - Boot Maker
John Jones

Priscilla E Embley
12th May 1868
Matthew Hall Tweedy

Mary Ann Briscoe
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Henley Street

Age .; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Mathew Hall Tweedy; Occupation - Mechanic

Thomas Briscoe; Occupation - Clerk
Thomas Hunt ?

Elizabeth Tweedy
12th May 1868
William Reeves

Ann Harris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Long Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Hollier Street, Bordesley
Henry Reeves; Occupation - Gas Fitter

William Harris; Occupation - Carpenter
William Harris

Emily Harris
31st May 1868
John Smith

Sarah Ann Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Highgate Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
Thomas Smith; Occupation - Labourer

William Harris; Occupation - Tailor
Abraham Joseph Jacobs

Elspaff ? Smith
1st June 1868
John Taylor

Elizabeth Warner
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Tobacco Pipe Manufacturer; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Main Street
John Taylor (Deceased); Occupation - Tobacco Pipe Manufacturor

William Castle; Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Bevan

Emma Bevan
13th June 1868
Thorvald Klein

Emma Mary Eleanor Mangham
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Mechanical Engineer; Abode - Alfred Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Alfred Street
Henrich Adolph Klein (Deceased); Occupation - Justice of Peace

Thomas Mangham; Occupation - School Master
Paul Robert Ferdinand

Martha Slater
22nd June 1868
William Harwood

Elizabeth Mills
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Stafford Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Stafford Street
Thomas Harwood (Deceased); Occupation - Labourer

James Richardson (Deceased); Occupation - Brewer
William Smith

Esther Richardson
1st July 1868
William Jones Jordan

Eliza Jones
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Plumber ?; Abode - Moseley Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - ? Road
Joseph Llewellyn Jordan; Occupation - Cabinet Maker

James Jones; Occupation - China Dealer
James Jones

James Handley
7th July 1868
John Parkes

Charlotte Wilkes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Railway Lamp Maker; Abode - Lake Place, Stratford Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lake Place, Stratford Road
George Parkes (Deceased); Occupation - Tool Maker

Edward Wilkes; Occupation - Brass Caster
William Parkes

Mary ?
8th July 1868
William Matthew Raine

Charlotte Elizabeth Blood
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gentleman; Abode - Stratford Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Dale End
Charles Raine (Deceased); Occupation - Plumber

William Tyers Blood; Occupation - Licenced Victualler
William Tyers Blood

Harriet Blood
27th July 1868
Henry Taylor

Mary Ann Rogers
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Milkman; Abode - Highgate Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
James Taylor (Deceasd); Occupation - Labourer

George Rogers; Occupation - Labourer
Abraham Mallin

Nester Dowerd ?

Catherine Brain
6th August 1868
Charles Eades

Charlotte Mansell Ward
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engraver; Abode - Lampson Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Lampson Road
James Eades (Deceased) ; Occupation - Plater

George Waed (Deceased); Occupation - Metal Caster
John Ward

Sarah Maria Stokes
13th September 1868
James Plenty

Jane Foxley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Lamp Maker; Abode - Stratford Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
John Plenty; Occupation - Lamp Maker

John Foxley (Deceased); Occupation - Bailiff
? Wassall

Elizabeth Plenty
3rd October 1868
Thomas Bott

Mary Ryder
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porcelain Painter; Abode - Worcester

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spark Street
George Bott; Occupation - Spade Handle Maker

Joseph Ryder(Deceased); Occupation - Gas Maker
Richard Ryder

Mary Ann Shannon
6th October 1868
Arthur Dewson

Harriet Martha Mitchell
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Wood Carver; Abode - Ladypool Lane

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Ladypool Lane
Thomas Dewson; Occupation - Wood Carver

William Mitchell (Deceased); Occupation - Police Inspector
William Thomas Mitchell

Julia Hudson Mitchell
11th October 1868
John Williams

Sarah Williams
Age 28; Widower; Occupation - Wire Drawer; Abode - Stratford Road

Age 35; Widow; Abode - Stratford Road
Thomas Williams; Occupation - Wire Drawer

Joseph Richards; Occupation - Deceased
Thomas Peters

Elizabeth Dunmore
12th October 1868
Samuel Taylor Haskey

Age 59; Widower; Occupation - Whitesmith; Abode - Main Street

Age 43; Widow; Abode - Main Street
Thomas Haskey (Deceased); Occupation - Baker

William Westley (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Caster
John Mottram

Kate Haskey
31st October 1868
James Hill Dean

Harriet Harris
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Japanner; Abode - Bislton

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
John Dean (Deceased); Occupation - Japanner

John Harris (Deceased); Occupation - Timber Merchant
Tho ? Andrews

Marianne Brook
1st November 1868
James Morgan

Julia Thomas
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fishing Rod Maker; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
John Morgan (Deceased); Occupation - Railway Man

John Thomas; Occupation - Carrier
Joseph Thomas

Betsey Lowe
22nd November 1868
Benjamin Scott Read Blackwell

Esther Maria Wheeley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Harness Furniture Maker; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Thomas Blackwell; Occupation - Boot ? Maker

Thomas Wheeley; Occupation - Carriage Lamp Maker
William Shelton

Harriet Wheeley
7th December 1868
George Sadler

Mary Elizabeth Astley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Whitesmith; Abode - Stratford Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
Charles Sadler (Deceased); Occupation - Engineer

Samuel Astley; Occupation - Painter
Richard Taylor

Mary Ann Taylor
21st December 1868
Hugh John Panter

Henrietta Maria Gibbs
Age 22; Bachelor; Occupation - Groom & Gardener; Abode - Long Street

Age 26; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
John Panter; Occupation - Labourer

Edmund Gibbs; Occupation - Labourer
John Clifford

Mary Ann King ?
25th December 1868
Thomas Henry Croft

Ann Maria Edge
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Caster; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
Thomas Croft; Occupation - Brass Caster

William Edge (Deceased); Occupation - ? Grinder
? Edge

Esther Wheeler
26th December 1868
John Akers

Selina Sarah Bush Taylor
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Grinder; Abode - King Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - King Street
Thomas Akers; Occupation - Labourer

William Taylor; Occupation - Ivory Bone Turner
John Simpson

Elizabeth Smith
28th December 1868
George Clarke

Emma Baker
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Stratford Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
Charles Clarke (Deceased); Occupation - Gun Maker

James Baker; Occupation - Brass Founder
James Baker

Mary Ann Baker
28th December 1868
Joseph Tonssaint

Elizabeth Rhodes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Chemist; Abode - Long Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Coventry Street
Joseph Tonssaint (Deceased); Occupation - Catain in Dragoons

John Rhodes (Deceased); Occupation - Whitesmith
Charles Priest

Mary Ann Rincher ?
28th December 1868
George Ager

Jane Glover
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Stoker; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
John Ater; Occupation - Gun Maker

Thomas Glover; Occupation - Bricklayer
Thomas Rock

Annie Glover
10th January 1869
Charles James Sage

Mary Ann Aston
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker; Abode - Mole Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Mole Street
Charles Sage; Occupation - Tin Plate Worker

Joseph Aston (Deceased); Occupation - Lock Filer
Thomas Aston

Emma Webb
30th January 1869
John Humphries

Emma Akers
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bronzer; Abode - Long Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
Benjamin Humphries; Occupation - Jeweller

Thomas Akers; Occupation - ?
William Smith

Rebecca Humphries
3rd February 1869
Joseph Wright

Ann Latham
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stoney Lane
John Wright; Occupation - Sawyer

William Latham; Occupation - Servant
Thomas Wright

Emma Busby
9th March 1869
Thomas Denham Price Baker

Sarah Mason
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Turner Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
Thomas Price Baker; Occupation - ?

Thomas Mason (Deceased); Occupation - Wheelwright
James Wheeler

Phoebe Briny ?
16th March 1869
James Watts

Anne Wheatley Ball
Age Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Metal Roller; Abode - Main Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Henry Watts; Occupation - ?

Joseph Wheatley; Occupation - Hair Dresser
Thomas Fisher

Eliza Fisher
20th March 1869
Thomas Honeychurch Broad

Kate Alice Grove
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Draper ?; Abode - Everton, Liverpool

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
William Broad (Deceased); Occupation - Gentleman

Charles Grove; Occupation - Gentleman
Cha's Grove

Elizabeth Grove
21st March 1869
Charles Dutnell

Elizabeth Onions
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Caster; Abode - Staratford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Street
Charles Dutnell; Occupation - Baker

Charles Onions; Occupation - Bellows Maker
John Onions

Elizabeth Onions
21st March 1869
Thomas Dovey

Lydia Emily Heaven
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cabinet Maker; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Thomas Dovey; Occupation - Pawnbroker

William Ede (Deceased); Occupation - Printer
Thomas Dovey

Eliza ?
28th March 1869
William Charles Pritchard

Emma Jane Hemming
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Bishopgate Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ladypool Lane
John Pritchard (Deceased); Occupation - Tailor

Henry Hemming; Occupation - Carpenter
Henry Smith

Mary Anne Pritchard
31st March 1869
Robert Arnold

Emily Band
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Larches Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Larches Street
Samuel Arnold; Occupation - Gate Keeper

Henry Band; Occupation - Watch Maker
Henry Band

31st March 1869
Robert Bonner Feast

Mary Johnson
Age 33; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk in Orders; Abode - Leamington Priors

Age 28; Spinster; Abode - Coventry Road
Robert Feast; Occupation - ? Agent

Philip Johnson; Occupation - Solicitor
Emily Elleston

Evelyn Johnson

Philip Johnson

Arthur John Vault
5th April 1869
William Pickin

Elizabeth Mtthews
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Widow; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
William Pickin (Deceased); Occupation - Gardener

Joseph Matthews (Deceased); Occupation - ?
James Pickin

Mary Flude ?
5th April 1869
William Orton

Mary Jones
Age Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass & Copper Wire Drawer; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Cheapside
John Orton (Deceased); Occupation - Brewer

William Jones (Deceased); Occupation - ? Maker
George Orton

Susannah ?
10th April 1869
Edward Swindlehurst Astle

Mary Ann Brettell
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - Lamp Maker; Abode - Main Street

Age 20; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Robert Astle; Occupation - Tobacconist

Joseph Brettell; Occupation - Brass Founder
Edwin Brettell

? Brettell
1st May 1869
Henry Burnett

Sarah Chamberlain
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Richard Burnett; Occupation - Joiner ?

Charles Chamberlain; Occupation - Caster
Henry Stevens

Mary Ann Stevens
2nd May 1869
William Kettland

Emma Wilde
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - Sparkbrook

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sparkbrook
Thomas Kettland; Occupation - Labourer

John Wilde (Deceased); Occupation - Potter
Samuel James Wilde

Sarah Lakin
16th May 1869
Thomas Reaney

Julia Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Joseph Reaney (Deceased); Occupation - Weaver

Henry Smith; Occupation - Grocer
John Oram

Abigail Smith
16th May 1869
William Williams

Caroline Poston
Age 20; Bachelor; Occupation - Boot Maker; Abode - Neale Street

Age 19; Spinster; Abode - Neale Street
William Wiliams; Occupation - Boot Maker

Nathaniel Poston; Occupation - Coal Dealer
Walter William Poston

Harriet Ann Boneham
30th May 1869
William Griffiths

Martha Osborn
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Finisher; Abode - Alfred Place

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Alfred Place
Alfred Griffiths; Occupation - Gun Finisher

George Osborn; Occupation - Book Keeper
John Finney

Mary Ann Flaver ?
13th June 1869
John Walter

Martha Grant
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Long Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Elias Walter (Deceased); Occupation - Farmer

Wailliem Grant; Occupation - Coach Builder
William Grant

26th June 1869
James Adair

Frances Elizabeth Bullivant
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Newspaper Reporter; Abode - Sampson Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - High Street, Birmingham
Robert Adair; Occupation - Book Seller

Charles Bullivant; Occupation - Hotel Keeper
Charles Bullivant

Lucy Bullivant
4th July 1869
Charles Howell

Maria Rea
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Dresser; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
William Howell (Deceased); Occupation - Coal Merchant

James Rea (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Founder
Robert Jones ?

Mary Orton ?
7th July 1869
David Hubsch

Sarah Ann Price
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Policeman; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Mentle ? Hubsch (Deceased); Occupation - Corn Dealer

William Price; Occupation - Labourer
Samuel Timmins

Mary Ann Timmins
8th July 1869
Francis Greenwood

Sarah Hollister
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Long Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
James Greenwood (Deceased); Occupation - Merchant

Thomas Hollister (Deceased); Occupation - Iron Founder
William Evans

Eliza Charles
11th July 1869
Francis Henry Hewitt

Jane Heynes ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Farmer; Abode - Turner Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
Francis Henry Hewitt; Occupation - Farmer

William Henry Heynes; Occupation - Butcher
James Heynes

Emma Heynes
26th July 1869
George Gillard

Phoebe Lane
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Street
Joseph Gillard (Deceased); Occupation - Butcher

Charles Lane; Occupation - Tailor
George Meaking

Elizabeth Burton
1st August 1869
Henry Moore

Elizabeth Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - King Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
Henry Moore (Deceased); Occupation - Locksmith

Charles Smith (Deceased); Occupation - School Master
Alfred Green Smith

Annie Sanders ?
1st August 1869
Thomas Barnes

Emma Morterbozs ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sparkbrook
Joseph Barnes (Deceased); Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Morterbozs?; Occupation - Labourer
Joseph Powell

Sarah Susan Myatt ?
1st August 1869
Thomas Henry Lea

Emma Bradshaw
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engine Fitter; Abode - Victoria Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
Richard Garratt Lea; Occupation - Smith

George Bradshaw; Occupation - Brazier
Thomas Taylor

Mary Ann Bradshaw
9th August 1869
Richard Cooper

Jane Kingstone
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter ?; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
Joseph Cooper; Occupation - Wheelwright

Samuel Kingstone; Occupation - Carpenter
William Taylor

Mary Cooper
23rd August 1869
Thomas Wellington

Eliza Vale
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engineer; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Thomas Wellington (Deceased); Occupation - Gold Beater

Ralph Vale (Deceased); Occupation - Ivory Turner
John Onions

Elizabeth Onions
28th August 1869
Henry Whitworth

Sarah Grainger
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Compositor; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Larches Street
Henry Whitworth (Deceased); Occupation - Inn Keeper

James Grainger; Occupation - Gunlock Maker
John Henry Smith

Lucy ? Whitworth
30th August 1869
William Roberts

Martha Bubb
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fruiterer; Abode - Stafford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stafford Street
John Roberts; Occupation - Farmer

Benjamin Bubb; Occupation - Bailiff
William Muddyman

Rebecca Muddiman
30th August 1869
Charles Thomas Dickenson

Mary Ann Pritchard
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Highgate Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
James Dickenson; Occupation - Sawyer

John Pritchard (Deceased); Occupation - Tailor
Alfred Hooper

Elizabeth Ann Pritchard
8th September 1869
Edwin Munrow

Mary Ann Richards
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Clothier; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
William Munrow (Deceased); Occupation - ? Officer

Thomas Richards; Occupation - Copper Smith
James Humphries

Martha Edwards
14th September 1869
Nathaniel Benjamin Beach

Rhoda Allen
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fell Monger; Abode - Long Street, Sparkbrook, Aston

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Ravenhurst Street, Aston
William Beach; Leather Manufacturer

John Allen; Occupation - Malster
John Allen
? Beach
Sarah Allen
M ? Poole
21st September 1869
Henry Parkes

Harriet Allso
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - ?; Abode - Mole Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Weaman Street, Balsall Heath
Thomas Parkes; Occupation - Gun Barrell Filer

James Allso; Occupation - Scale Beam Maker
James Allso

Emma Parkes
2nd October 1869
John Ellis

Alice Ward Hilton
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Moulder; Abode - Farm Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Farm Lane
Benjamin Ellis (Deceased); Occupation - Minor

Richard Hilton; Occupation - Excise Officer
E? Downing

Matilda Shears
3rd October 1869
John Simpson

Hannah Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Ivory Moulder; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
John Simpson; Occupation - Ivory & Bone Turner

John Smith (Deceased); Occupation - Labourer
Edward Todd

Charlotte Smith
6th October 1869
George Frederick Manton

Eliza Jane Matthews
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Factor; Abode - Pinfold Street, Birmingham

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Coventry Road
John Shakespear Manton; Occupation - Button Maker

William Matthews (Deceased); Occupation - Button Maker
Joseph Werbury

Sarah Webb
23rd October 1869
James Steele

Emma Groves
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Engineer; Abode - Gladstone Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coventry Road
John Steele (Deceased); Occupation - Cooper

Edward Groves; Occupation - Licensed Victualler
Edward Groves

Jane Heath
8th November 1869
Gibson Downes

Catherine Cook
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gardener; Abode - The Larches

Age Full; Widow; Abode - The Larches
Matthew Downes; Occupation - Labourer

James Shelton; Occupation - Sawyer
James Pratt
H Downes
C Brittain
Hannah Williams
9th November 1869
John Taylor

Elizabeth Jane Tandy
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Porter; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
John Taylor; Occupation - Labourer

David ? Tandy (Deceased); Occupation - Labourer
Thomas Stone
Eliza Tandy
Emily Prosser
14th November 1869
George Green

Amelia Bird
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Silver Plater; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
Charles Green (Deceased); Occupation - Japanner

Charles Bird; Occupation - Bone Turner
Henry Grove

Harriet Grove
21st November 1869
William Reeves

Emma Green
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Stratford Road

Age Minor; Spinster; Stratford Road
James Reeves; Occupation - Fender Fitter

William Green; Occupation - Smith
William Green

Sarah Ann Hinchley
21st November 1869
Walter White

Emma Chinn
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Electro Plate Worker; Abode - Larches Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Occupation - Kyrwicks Lane
William White; Occupation - Electro Plate Worker

Joseph Chinn (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Founder
William Warner ?

Sarah Ann Warner ?
22nd November 1869
William Fleming

Sarah Susan Myatt
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Caster; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Thomas Fleming (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Caster

William Myatt; Occupation - Umbrella Furniture Maker
John Fleming

Emma Sandberg
28th November 1869
Frederick Plested

Maria Ashton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Warehouse Man; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
William Plested; Occupation - Stone Mason

Richard Ashted (Deceased); Occupation - Plane Iron Maker
Daniel Plested

Elizabeth Plested
5th December 1869
Frederick Ellis

Matilda Weston
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Caster; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Edward Ellis (Deceased); Occupation - Smith

William Weston (Deceased); Occupation - Brewer
Henry Bates

Elizabeth Bennett
26th December 1869
John Milne

Emma Power
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Finisher; Abode - Darwin Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Darwin Street
John Milne; Occupation - Whip Finisher

John Power; Occupation - Smith
John Powers

Maria Milne
26th December 1869
William Loader

Mary Ann Parker
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Grantham Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Grantham Road
James Loader; Occupation - Carpenter

George Parker; Occupation - ? Maker
Alfred Green

Emily Green
27th December 1869
Thomas Smith

Harriet Humphries
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Wood Turner; Abode - Main Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
John Smith (Deceased); Occupation - Shoe Maker

Charles Humphries; Occupation - Blacksmith
W H Brown

Mary Ann Ansell
28th December 1869
Henry Taylor

Mary Ann King
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Hampton in Arden

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
William Taylor; Occupation - Farmer

Richard King; Occupation - Baker
William Taylor

Elizabeth ?
16th January 1870
Edward Priest Wootton

Mary Ann Collor
Age 24; Bachelor; Occupation - ?; Abode - Long Street

Age 23; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
Thomas Priest Wootton; Occupation - Farmer

William Collor; Occupation - Gardener
Alfred Priest Wootton

Mary Ann Priest Wootton
22nd February 1870
John Alfred Maule

Mary Ann Simpson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Letter Sorter; Abode - ?, London

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate, Birmingham
John Sherrach ? Maule (Deceased); Occupation - Mail Guard

Charles Simpson; Occupation - Whitesmith
Charles Simpson

Ann Bird
28th February 1870
Charles Wharrad

Mary Ann Hill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fishing Rod Maker; Abode - Turner Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
Charles Wharrad; Occupation - Needle Finisher

David Hill; Occupation - Needle Pointer
James Haynes

Emma Haynes
7th March 1870
Rowland Jones

Sarah Reeves
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Metalsmith; Abode - Highgate Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
David Jones; Occupation - Metalsmith

Benjamin Reeves; Occupation - ? Tree Turner
Samuel Reeves

Emma Reeves
3rd April 1870
William Busby

Fanny Beasley ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
George Busby; Occupation - Labourer

Edmund Beasley ?; Occupation - Labourer
Joseph Allwood

Sarah Ann Boot
4th April 1870
William Burnett

Alice French
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Widow; Abode - .
Richard Burnett; Occupation - Carpenter

Robert Anson ? (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Founder ?
Mary Ann Dyer

James Cornish
17th April 1870
Joseph Ferry

Mary Williams
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Caster; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
William Ferry; Occupation - Brass Caster

John Williams; Occupation - Stoker
Arthur Barns

Sarah Williams
26th April 1870
George William Butler

Elizabeth Oldfield
Age .; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk in Orders; Abode - Bebington ?, Cheshire

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Braithwaite Road
Thomas Butler; Occupation - ?

James Oldfield; Occupation - Gardener
George Harrison

Annie Robina Butler
3rd May 1870
George Westcott

Annie Comrie ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Grocer; Abode - Market Street, Wolverhampton

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Moseley Road
George Westcott; Occupation - Supervisor of Inland Revenue

Duncan James Comrie ?; Occupation - Supervisor of Inland Revenue
Duncan James Comrie ?

Jane Comrie ?
4th May 1870
William Davies

Rebecca Edwards
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Bricklayer; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
George Davies; Occupation - Bricklayer

James William Edwards (Deceased); Occupation - Publican
George Thomas Ryde ?

Mary Ann Edwards
5th May 1870
Henry Josph Lorton

Sarah Elizabeth Threadgill
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Saddler; Abode - Main Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Thomas Owen Lorton (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Founder

John Threadgill; Occupation - Iron Monger
John Threadgill

Elizabeth But??
9th May 1870
Charles Frederick Cramp

Emily Hughes
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Golden Hillock Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Coventry
James Cramp; Occupation - Clerk

William Hughes; Occupation - Tailor
Thomas William Pearson

19th May 1870
William John Cutler

Clara Bristow
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Maker; Abode - Golden Hillock Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Holt Street, Duddeston
Charles Christopher Cutler; Occupation - Gun Maker

Francis Bristow; Occupation - Timber Merchant
Francis Brisow

Mary Ann Cutler
4th June 1870
Joseph Moore

Eliza Hull
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Joiner; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
John Moore (Deceased); Occupation - Clerk

Hephaniah ? Hull; Occupation - Game Keeper
Elias Wright

Ellen Willis ?
5th June 1870
William Baker

Selina Lewis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Nail Caster; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Thomas Baker; Occupation - Nail Caster

Joseph Lewid; Occupation - Metal Dealer
Charles Walton

Sarah Ann Walton
5th June 1870
Thomas Swadkins

Annie Wellings
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Blacksmith; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Thomas Swadkins; Occupation - Brewer

John Wellings (Deceased); Occupation - Tailor
William Buckerfield

Sarah Ann Kenning ?
6th June 1870
Edwin Buswell

Sarah Ann Weaver
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Turner & Fitter; Abode - Larches Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Larches Street
William Buswell; Occupation - Coach Smith

Henry Weaver; Occupation - Stoker
Thomas Slim ?

Ellen Buswell
6th June 1870
John Higgins

Mary Blower
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Milkman; Abode - Anderton Road

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
John Higgins; Occupation - Dairyman

Richard Blower; Occupation - Collier
William Little

Elizabeth Green
18th June 1870
Thomas bagley

Mary Ann Nightingale
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Merchants Clerk; Abode - ? Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Bedford Road
Frederick Bagley; Occupation - Brass Founder

Joseph Nightingale; Occupation - Factor
Joseph Nightingale

Charlotte Nightingale
19th June 1870
William Mills

Rosanna Malin
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Carpenter; Abode - Turner Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
Joseph Mills; Occupation - Carpenter

Richard Malin; Occupation - ?
James Lewis

Harriet Lanten ?
20th June 1870
John Arnold

Elizabeth Jackson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Painter; Abode - Long Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
Joseph Arnold (Deceased); Occupation - Labourer

George Jackson (Deceased); Occupation - ? Cutter
Edward Jackson

Mary Hastings
9th July 1870
John Nicholls

Elizabeth Bunn
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Caster; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sandy Lane
Charles Nicholls; Occupation - Carter

Joseph Bunn (Deceased); Occupation - Stone Mason
Joseph Pitt

Ann Pitt
9th July 1870
James Oliver

Emma Nicholls
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
James Oliver (Deceased); Occupation - Lapidary

Charles Nicholls; Occupation - Carter
William Pitt

Mary Ann Pitt
9th July 1870
George Overbury

Ellen Ward
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Labourer; Abode - Turner Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
William Overbury; Occupation - Labourer

Charles Ward; Occupation - Labourer
John Mills

Rosanna ? Mills
27th July 1870
Isaac Jones

Susan Moore
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Lock Filer; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
William Jones; Occupation - Carter

Joseph Moore; Occupation - Engineer
Richard Bache

Emma Bache
1st August 1870
Richard Burnham

Ann Grattage
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Ostler; Abode - Stratford Road

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Road
John Burnham (Deceased); Occupation - Farmer

William Grattage; Occupation - Shoe Maker
William Grattage

Sarah Jane Grattage
7th August 1870
George Pimm

Anne Weston
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Striker; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
John Pimm; Occupation - Coal Heaver

Edward Weston; Occupation - Green Grocer
Thomas Lund

Sarah Ann Ingram
20th August 1870
William Henry Griffiths

Clara Griffiths
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Tailor; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
Philip Griffiths; Occupation - Tailor

James Griffiths; Occupation - Painter
John Weeks ?

? Wallbank
21st August 1870
Samuel Davis

Ann Field
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Braithwaite Road
Thomas Davis; Occupation - Builder

Thomas Field; Occupation - Lath ?
Edward Lilly

? Thompson
22nd August 1870
Charles James Osborne

Martha Smirthwaite
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Fancy ?; Abode - Long Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
James Osborne; Occupation - Armourer

John Smirthwaite; Occupation - Whitesmith
Samuel Upton

Eliza Osborne
22nd August 1870
John Walter

Lydia Marcham
Age .; Bachelor; Occupation - Wire Worker; Abode - Main Street

Age .; Spinster; Abode - Long Street
John Walter; Occupation - Wire Worker

John Marcham; Occupation - Wood Turner
William Edwards

Sarah Ann Edwards
27th August 1870
Joseph Jarvis

Mary Ann Overbury
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Engine Driver; Abode - Turner Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Turner Street
William Jarvis; Occupation - Needle Pointer

William Overbury; Occupation - Labourer
Alban Wilson

Sarah Ann Carter
3rd September 1870
William James Glassey

Susan Davis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Main Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Thomas Glassey; Occupation - ? Dealer

Thomas Davis; Occupation - Plane ?
Thomas Davis

Mary Ann Davis
4th September 1870
George Rosier

Isabella Shorthouse
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Iron Caster; Abode - Stratford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Street
Joseph Rosier (Deceased); Occupation - Sawyer

Thomas Shorthouse; Occupation - Coach Builder
George Rhodes

Sarah Ann Rosier
4th September 1870
Thomas Graves

Amelia Wilkes
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Wagoner; Abode - Ladypool Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ladypool Lane
Walter Graves; Occupation - Labourer

Joseph Wilkes (Deceased); Occupation - ?
William Howe

Ann Graves
5th September 1870
William Davis

Mary Ann Newport
Age Full; Widower; Occupation - Jeweller; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Main Street
Thomas Davis; Occupation - Horse Dealer

Joseph Newport; Occupation - Publican
Thomas Phipps ?

Emily Phipps ?
11th September 1870
Cornelius Malin

Mary Lewis
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Malleable Iron Caster; Abode - Ladypool Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ladypool Lane
Henry Malin; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker

Joseph Lewis; Occupation - Metal Dealer
William Baker

Selina Baker
2nd October 1870
Alfred Roe

Mary Ann Patrick
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Charles Roe (Deceased); Occupation - Brass Founder

Unknown; Occupation - Non Stated
John Child

Fanny Harriet Enston
3rd October 1870
Noah Wright

Maria Pickering
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Watch Gilder; Abode - Main Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Mole Street
Thomas Wright; Occupation - Watch Gilder

Richard Pickering; Occupation - Watch Motioner
Richard Pickering

Mary Ann Wright
3rd October 1870
William Henry Martin

Sarah Ann Cooper Coles
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sherlock Street
William Martin; Occupation - Butcher

Thomas Coles; Occupation - ?
William Francis Deakin

? Coles
16th October 1870
William Henry Davis

Edith Smith
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Butcher; Abode - Thomas Street

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Thomas Street
William Henry Davis; Occupation - Licenced Victualler

George Smith; Occupation - Engine Fitter
Lewin George Smith

Mary Jane Smith
22nd October 1870
Richard Walker

Rebecca Haydon
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Spark Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spark Street
Anthony Walker; Occupation - Foreman

James Haydon; Occupation - Gardener
William Haydon

Emily ?
24th October 1870
William Heath

Anne Amelia Perrins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Smith; Abode - Anderton Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Anderton Lane
William Heath; Occupation - Gun Smith

Henry Perrins; Occupation - Silversmith
Henry Guest

Mary Ann Guest
30th October 1870
Thomas Tuckey

Agnes Malins
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Iron Plate Worker; Abode - Ladypool Lane

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Ladypool Lane
Samuel Tuckey; Occupation - Carpenter

Henry Malins; Occupation - Pearl Button Maker
Cornelius Malins

Mary Lewis
8th November 1870
Benjamin Parkes

Mary Ann Tyler
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Turner; Abode - Wednesbury

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Sparkbrook
Henry Parkes (Deceased); Occupation - Edge Tool Maker

Joseph Tyler; Occupation - Edge Tool Maker
Edward ?

Phebe Jane Tyler
12th November 1870
George Higgs

Emma Weake
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
James Higgs; Occupation - Malster

Frederick Weake; Occupation - Plaisterer
James Weake

Kezia ? Collins ?
13th November 1870
Thomas Brunt

Elizabeth Smedley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - ? Worker; Abode - Stratford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Thomas Brunt; Occupation - Bone Button Worker

John Smedley; Occupation - Wire Cleaner
William Wilcox

Elizabeth Brunt
15th November 1870
James Pope

Mary Ann Sackett ?
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gentleman; Abode - Great Malvern

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Braithwaiate Road
Jacob Pope (Deceased); Occupation - Gentleman

Richard Weaver (Deceased); Occupation - Grocer
William Henry Weaver

Elizabeth Reynolds
17th November 1870
Joseph Howell

Ellen Evetts
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Clerk; Abode - Long Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Samuel Howell; Occupation - Screw Maker

James Evetts; Occupation - Painter
Samuel Howell

Jemima Howell
20th November 1870
William Bickley

Elizabeth Richardson
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Moulder; Abode - Spark Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Spark Street
James Bickley; Occupation - Rope Spinner

Thomas Richardson; Occupation - Ribbon ?
Joseph Richardson

Fanny Bickley
29th November 1870
William Davis Edginton

Emma Huband
Age Minor; Bachelor; Occupation - Baker; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane

Age Minor; Spinster; Abode - Kyrwicks Lane
Joseph Edginton; Occupation - Baker

Thomas Huband; Occupation - Malster
Thomas Archer

Lydia Huband
4th December 1870
William Billington

Mary Ann Baker
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Highgate Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
Thomas Billington; Occupation - Brass Caster

Thomas Baker; Occupation - Fire Iron Maker
Thomas Billngton

Emily Billington
11th December 1870
Samuel Pomeroy

Louisa Jane Harris
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Cabinet Maker; Abode - Highgate Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate Lane
Roland ? Pomeroy (Deceased); Occupation - Gardener

George Frederick Harris; Occupation - Metal Worker
William Wilson

Mary Ann Harris
18th December 1870
James Tomlinson

Harriet Court
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Commercial Traveller; Abode - Ladypool Lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Ladypool Lane
John Tomlinson; Occupation - Publican

William Court; Occupation - Sadler
Thomas Morgan

Betsy Court
19th December 1870
John Bluck

Mary Ann Kemp
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Packer; Abode - Highgate lane

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Highgate lane
William Bluck (Deceased); Occupation - Excise Officer

Thomas Kemp (Deceased); Occupation - Builder
John Blwer

Matilda Kemp
26th December 1870
William Clifton

Emily Wheatley
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Brass Founder; Abode - Stratford Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Stratford Street
Thomas Clifton; Occupation - Tailor

Joseph Wheatley; Occupation - Carpenter
Samuel Nichols

Emily Powell
27th December 1870
Thomas Henry Bold

Eliza Layton
Age Full; Bachelor; Occupation - Gun Smith; Abode - Henley Street

Age Full; Spinster; Abode - Henley Street
Joseph Bold (Deceased); Occupation - Smith

Robert Layton (Deceased); Occupation - Farmer
Henry Astill ?

Elizabeth Bowden